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How Long Does Total THC Last In The Body?

Now that additional states are legalizing marijuana, and its psychoactive cannabinoid, delta 9 THC, we’re seeing an influx of people embracing the plant as they no longer have to worry about getting in trouble with the law for buying or possessing it.  But, there is still a number of individuals who have to be careful with consuming THC.  How come?  Well, because even though it’s legal in their state, they could lose their employment should they be caught with it in their system.

“Total THC (sometimes called Max THC) – The 2018 Farm Bill mandated that both THC and THCA need to be taken into consideration when determining whether a plant falls under the 0.3 percent THC requirement. 

“Total THC” accounts for both THC and THCA, however, in this calculation, THC is added to 0.877 percent of the THCA present in the plant. The number 0.877 is used because it’s the percentage of THCA that remains after decarboxylation, the process where heat, time, or both convert THCA into THC. The end result would be the maximum amount of THC that could be found in the plant when it has dried. 

The equation to calculate a plant’s Total THC is THC + (THCA x 0.877)” [Source]


How Long Do the Effects of Total THC Typically Last in Our System for?

We do want to focus on how long total THC lingers in the body after the effects have worn off, but it’s still very important to talk about how long the effects can last regardless.  Just remember that after you no longer feel high after taking THC, the total THC cannabinoids will remain in the body for some time, in detectable levels.

Total THC refers to a combination of THCA (THC’s raw precursor) and delta 9 THC, which results from decarboxylating (heating) THCA.  It’s used to measure the complete amount of THC that’s in any given product.  Because THC is psychoactive, any product labeled in a way that refers to “total THC” will get you high.

How long that high lasts, however, will depend on the delivery method that you’ve selected.  Each delivery method affects the rate at which the cannabinoid absorbs into the body, which determines its duration of effects.

  • Inhalable Products (Vapes, Dabs, Flower): A THC product that’s inhaled, whether that be flower, a vaping product like a vape cart or vape pen, or concentrates, will absorb the fastest into the body.  This is why the effects last for the shortest period of time – about 1 to 2 hours.
  • Ingestible Products (Edibles, Capsules): Ingesting THC is going to result in the longest-lasting effects, since the cannabinoid will take the longest time to absorb.  Most people find that the high lasts for somewhere around 8 hours.
  • Sublingual Products (Tinctures): When THC is absorbed sublingually, like through a tincture, it absorbs at a rate somewhere between the above two methods.  The effects last for about 4-6 hours.

Is There a Duration of Time When Total THC is Supposed to Leave Our System?

Hard to simply get a gauge in terms of THC lasting in your body for, since you can’t actually feel its presence once the initial high has worn off.  We do know that even a small amount of THC can last in the system for several days, and that higher concentrations can remain for up to 30 days or even more.  With all cannabinoids though:

  • About 50% of the cannabinoid has fully metabolized within 30 minutes of feeling the high take effect.  
  • And, just 30 minutes later, another 25% has properly metabolized, give or take.  
  • It’s the remaining 25% of THC left in the body that takes far longer to fully clear out of the system, since at this point, the metabolization process slows down on a considerable level.

What This Means for Drug-Testing Purposes 

We all know that THC use can trigger a positive drug test result, which a person will want to avoid if this risks their employment or anything else that involves their livelihood.  But, depending on which kind of test is administered, you may or may not pass if you’ve taken a THC product recently.

Method #1: Urine Tests: Urine tests are considered the standard for employers as well as probation officers, and these tests look for THC-COOH, a metabolite that breaks down all THC compounds, in a person’s urine.  These tests are very reliable and inexpensive.

Method #2: Saliva Tests: A saliva test is usually associated with law enforcement, especially in the case of those suspected of driving while intoxicated.  They can detect THC usage for up to the last 10 hours.

Method #3: Blood Tests: Blood tests only show whether or not a person is currently high on THC, as THC in the blood means that the intoxicating properties are still in effect.  Blood tests are mostly associated with hospital environments.

Method #4: Hair Tests: A hair test looks for THC usage in the hair strand, and it can only start detecting the cannabinoid about 90 days after the last usage.  Because of this, combined with how expensive it is, it’s not common outside of autopsies.

Method #5: Perspiration Tests: A perspiration test is usually used by clinical researchers since it’s invasive, expensive and time-consuming.  It involves applying a patch to a person’s skin, as they can sweat out THC-COOH while the body metabolizes the cannabinoid.

What Actually Plays a Role in How Long Total THC Could Normally Last in the Body For? 

We’ve mentioned by now that there’s no clear formula to determine how long it will take for your body to fully metabolize total THC levels after consumption.  But, there are variables to consider that each play a role in how long it will be until you no longer have any total THC remaining in the body.

#1: Frequency of Use 

How frequently you’re consuming THC will make a difference, as many already know.  It takes a couple of days to fully clear most standard doses of THC, but if you’re taking it more frequently than every couple of days, you’ll end up with something of a “traffic jam” effect since the metabolism can only work so quickly to clear it all.

#2: Delivery Method  

The delivery method likely plays a role as well, similarly to how it affects the time during which you can feel the THC’s psychoactive properties.  It’s likely that inhalable products metabolize the fastest, and ingestible products the slowest.

#3: Product Strength 

How many milligrams you’re putting into your body matters, because like we said, the metabolism can only break down so many milligrams of THC in any given time.  Consuming a higher-strength THC product will end up taking longer to clear from the body.

#4: Your Metabolism

If you naturally have a fast metabolism, because of something like genetics, diet or health, then you may very well process total THC faster than most individuals.

#5: When You Last Took Total THC

The last time you took THC is going to make a big difference.  If it’s been more than 6 weeks, it’s extremely unlikely there’s any left in your body.  If it’s been a couple of days, then there’s still THC in your system.

#6: Product Quality

Surprisingly, low-quality THC products may metabolize more quickly.  A chemically unstable product, which can result from age or poor extraction methods, may be almost completely ineffective and metabolize almost immediately after absorption.

How Long After Using Total THC it Safe to Take Any Type of Medication (Prescription or Non-Prescription)?

We do know that many common medications are broken down by the CYP3A4 enzyme, and that THC can suppress this enzyme in the body.  The result could be, in certain cases, that a drug fails to properly metabolize and ends up building up in the bloodstream to the point of toxicity.  This is why some people suggest that THC can negatively interact with certain drugs.

But, a surprisingly limited amount of research on the topic means that there is no standard guidance about how long to wait to take a medication after using THC.  What this means is that you should speak to your doctor, who can provide personalized guidance to ensure maximum safety when using medications.

The Bottom Line: Total THC Can Last Up To 30 Days In The Body

Ultimately, there really is no clear way to know exactly how long it will take for your body to fully metabolize total THC.  You can see that there are just too many variables involved that each affect the outcome.  What we can say is that if you are someone who is going to be tested, we strongly recommend that you abstain from THC until after your test is over.

Total THC hemp-derived compound that has been found to stay in your system around 30 days in the body before being completely gone. If you are taking a drug test, we recommend refraining use of Delta 9 and THCA products such as vape cartridges, gummies or tinctures as they will fail a drug test.