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What to Do if you Get Too Tired After Taking Delta 9 THC HowToGetNearMe BestPlace LowestPrice Coupon THC THCA Where To Buy Strongest New Delta 9 Shop Online Smoke Shop Binoid

Why You Get Tired After Taking Delta 9 THC

Did you know that delta 9 THC is the most well-known psychoactive cannabinoid of all-time?  In fact, many of us have experienced it in all kinds of product forms throughout our adult lives.  Its psychoactive properties are quite potent, and sometimes, this can have an effect on us that makes us feel tired.  While many people use delta 9 specifically for that reason, because it comes in handy at bedtime, others want to feel more awake and energized when delta-9 is in our system.

Fortunately, if delta 9 THC makes you feel sleepy, there are things that you can do about it.  Some simple adjustments to how we take it can make a huge difference in which of its effects are the most prominent for the duration of our high.


Can Delta 9 THC Make You Feel Sleepy?

Delta 9 THC can definitely make you feel sleepy, or it can make you feel awake.  The thing with cannabinoids is that their effects can really vary depending on all kinds of unique circumstances.  The cannabinoid is neither inherently sleep-inducing or energizing, and each person’s experience with the cannabinoid in terms of their energy levels can be one-of-a-kind.

What Can Affect How Tired You Feel After Taking Delta 9 THC?

Whether or not delta 9 THC makes you feel sleepier depends on a lot of different aspects related to when you take it, and the actual product you take.  Allow us to elaborate.

  • The Strain: If you happen to have a delta 9 product that comes in various strains, it could be that you’re choosing the wrong strain.  Indica and indica-dominant hybrids are known to be “sleepier” strains, and in fact, a lot of them are bred specifically for that purpose.  Sativa and sativa-dominant hybrids can give you more of a boost, and are far more popular to take during the daytime, and when going out at night.
  • Product Type/Delivery Method: Some people find that certain product types make them sleepier than others.  For example, you may find that a delta 9 tincture gives you a tired feeling, while an edible actually makes you feel fully awake for hours.
  • How Much You Take: The dosage amount matters more than you may realize.  A higher dose is, in most cases, more likely to make you feel sleepy, while a smaller dose could feel more refreshing.
  • Your Tolerance: As it turns out, the lower your tolerance, the more likely you are to feel tired from a cannabinoid – at least for most people.  As time goes on, this effect should be less and less pronounced.
  • What Else is in Your System: If, for instance, you’re taking a supplement that has sedating properties, taking delta 9 THC may enhance that effect.  So, consider what you’re consuming each day that could also be making you feel tired.
  • How Tired You Already Are: If you’re taking delta 9 when you’re already tired, because it’s late at night, because you’re fighting a virus or you’re just feeling groggy that day, delta 9 THC could very well feel sleepier.

Tips for Fighting Tiredness with Delta 9 THC

If you wanna feel less tired and increasingly alert after taking Binoid Delta 9 THC, we have a few recommendations that could make a huge difference in the effects that you get.  Consider making these changes to completely change the way you experience the high.

Tip #1: More Sativa and Less Indica

Perhaps the biggest change you can make is the strain, if applicable based on the product you’re using.  The bottom line is that if you want to feel more alert and energized, an indica or indica-dominant strain is probably the opposite of what you need.  Find a sativa strain that’s particularly known for offering a boost.

Tip #2: Take Less

Many people find that taking too much delta 9 at once puts them to sleep, so just make an adjustment to your dosage, and that could very well change everything.  Monitor how much you’re consuming and note how a lower dose changes the high completely.

Tip #3: Try Out a New Cannabinoid Combination

Sometimes, taking delta 9 with another cannabinoid is a gamechanger.  The synergistic relationship that cannabinoids share with one another means that different cannabinoid pairings can give you one-of-a-kind highs, some of which can be notably stimulating.

Tip #4: Avoid Taking Delta 9 When You’re Already Tired

Finally, try taking delta 9 at a different time of day.  Taking it late at night, when melatonin levels are high, can make you fall asleep, while taking it during the daytime can allow the cannabinoid to enhance your already-high energy levels.

Don’t Let Delta 9 Put You to Bed So Quickly

If you don’t wanna feel sleepy after taking delta 9 THC, then it might be time to switch up the strain you’re using, the dosage you’re taking, or the time that you take it.  Delta 9 THC is a unique cannabinoid that can feel completely different in our systems at different times, but the bottom line is that it’s not inherently a “sleepy” cannabinoid that’s inevitably going to put you to bed.