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7 Severe HHC-R Side Effects

9(R)-hexahydrocannabinol (HHC-R)is about to enter the hemp market, offering a more “purified” and potent form of hexahydrocannabinol.  If you’ve taken HHC before, then you know that its effects are a lot like those of delta 9, only not as strong.  HHC-R, on the other hand, gives you effects that can be even more potent than delta 9.

That being said, we want to look into the possibility of experiencing side effects with HHC-R.  Because it’s a new cannabinoid, and because it’s more potent than what you may be used to, let’s see if there’s anything you need to keep an eye out for once it’s in your system.

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Are There Any Side Effects When Taking HHC-R Vapes?

At the end of the day, the potential side effects for which you may experience from HHC-R seem to be no different than those associated with other intoxicating cannabinoids, like delta 8 THCdelta 9 THCTHC-P, etc.  These cannabinoids are similar enough to one another in their chemical structures that the ways in which they affect the body have a lot in common with one another.  Let’s take a look at HHC-R’s most likely side effects, while keeping in mind that the cannabinoid is ultimately nontoxic, and none of these side effects are life-threatening or long-lasting.

#1: HHC-R May Cause Dry Mouth 

Cottonmouth, or dry mouth, is super expected with pretty much all psychoactive cannabinoids.  Keep in mind that it’s not actually caused by dehydration, which many mistakenly believe.  In fact, it results from the interaction between the cannabinoid and cannabinoid receptors that control our salivary glands.  And, it is easily remedied with a quick glass of some water.

#2: HHC-R Could Cause Dry/Bloodshot Eyes

HHC-R will also interact with cannabinoid receptors in the eyes that are responsible for its moisture levels.  So, it’s very normal for your eyes get very dry when you take any intoxicating cannabis cannabinoids.  Not only might your eyes feel dry, but they may appear red, or “bloodshot.”  Just grab some lubricating eye drops, and your eyes will be back to themselves in no time.

#3: HHC-R May Boost Your Appetite 

HHC-R is very likely to give you the munchies, just like almost all THC cannabinoids.  Most cannabinoids have appetite-increasing properties, and this side effect isn’t cause for concern in any way.  The effect usually begins about halfway through your high, and might last for a bit after the high has worn off.

#4: HHC-R Might Make You Feel Dizzy 

Another side effect of HHC-R and other intoxicating cannabinoids is dizziness or lightheadedness.  Maybe you’ll feel like you’ve lost your balance, or that the room is spinning.  Also, keep in mind that this side effect can be more intense if you’ve also consumed alcohol.  The reality is that you’re extremely unlikely to actually faint from being high, but if you do feel weak or unsteady, sitting or lying down is the best move.

#5: HHC-R May Temporarily Lower Blood Pressure  

You may notice after taking HHC-R that you are experiencing slightly lowered blood pressure.  That can be part of the dizziness/lightheadedness we talked about earlier, and also cause a slight rise in your heartrate.  Again, you don’t really need to do anything about this but simply wait it out.

#6: HHC-R Could Causes Feelings Anxiousness or Paranoia 

Something that we associate with taking too much of any psychoactive cannabinoid is a feeling of anxiety and/or paranoia, which is caused by intense cerebral effects that can become overwhelming in some cases.  This can make you feel extra self-conscious, uneasy, or like something is wrong, that you can’t put your finger on.  It can also make you hyperaware of bodily sensations.  But, fortunately, this feeling rarely lasts for long.

#7: HHC-R Might Cause Drowsiness, Forgetfulness, Spaciness and/or a Lack of Coordination

Grogginess, drowsiness and feeling spacy or foggy are common with psychoactive cannabinoids like HHC-R compound, and it’s also normal to experience a feeling of being wobbly, or mild difficulty with basic motor skills.  This is normal when you’re high on an intoxicating cannabinoid, and if you’re feeling very drowsy, there’s nothing wrong with laying down for a while, or even taking a nap.

HHC-R Can Cause Side Effects, But None That are True Cause for Concern

While none of these side effects are actually dangerous, they can still be unpleasant, especially if you’re new to cannabis.  The best way to prevent them is to follow the directions on the product’s label, to ensure that you don’t take too much, and to even split the dosage in half if it’s your first time.  And, of course, always make sure you’re buying your HHC-R from a trusted company like Binoid, to know you’re taking only legitimate, safely made, and high-quality formulas that have undergone third-party testing.

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