Delta 10 THC is only just starting to hit the market, offering yet another way to experience the properties of the hemp plant. Because you’ve almost definitely not yet tried delta 10 products, you are likely eager to understand what its effects are and how they differ from other compounds that come from hemp, specifically […]
Delta 10 THC Vs. CBC
There is yet another cannabinoid hitting the scene that is already made quite a splash before it has even been widely available, delta 10 THC. Delta 10 is destined to be the next big thing in our industry, despite the fact that few people have had the chance to try it due being so incredibly […]
How To Take Delta 10 THC: Products, Benefits & Uses
Now that delta 10 THC is available at Binoid, we are getting lots of questions from our loyal customers who want the best delta 10 experience possible, but want to make sure that they build the proper routine for their needs. With any new cannabinoid to hit the hemp market, there are all kinds of […]
How to Avoid Vaper’s Tongue When Vaping Delta 8 THC
When it comes to the delta 8 THC that’s on the market, it is clear that delta 8 vapes are the most popular way to explore the properties of the cannabinoid. Delta-8 vaping in general allow us to feel the effects of the compound within minutes, in a way that is both potent and short-lived, […]
Best Delta 8 THC For ADHD
ADHD, formerly referred to as ADD, stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and affects millions of Americans of all ages. Usually diagnosed during early childhood, it’s a condition that primarily affects one’s cognitive skills, mainly interfering with an ability to concentrate on individual tasks and stimuli. Those with ADHD may find themselves easily distracted and […]
Delta 8 THC Overdose: Can You Take Too Much Delta 8?
A lot of us out there are starting to become aware of what Delta-8 THC is, as it’s more widely available on the market than it ever has been. But, naturally, some of us may still be a bit hesitant about actually taking it, because of the fear of taking too much and ending up with […]
Can You Take Multiple Delta 8 THC Products Together
Delta 8 THC is exploding on the hemp market, as more people are eager to try this unique cannabinoid already known for its potentially uplifting and mildly psychoactive effects. Just like cannabidiol (CBD) and delta 10 THC, we are seeing delta 8 becoming available in all kinds of delivery methods, ranging from user-friendly delta-8 tinctures […]
Delta 10 THC vs CBD
While cannabidiol (CBD) has remained extremely popular for well over half a decade now, it’s becoming clear that each cannabinoid can offer something useful in its own way. Now, we have delta 10 THC, a newly discovered compound that comes with its own distinctive properties that make it quite exciting to hemp enthusiasts. Because delta […]
Delta 8 THC For ADHD and ADD
Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) affects over 3 million Americans, including both children and adults. Still a fairly new diagnosis, it is estimated that there are even more adults who have ADD and have never been given a proper diagnosis. This mental health disorder largely pertains to one’s ability to concentrate and focus their attention. It’s also […]
How to Buy Delta 8 THC on a Budget
There are plenty of people out there who want to try delta 8 THC to see what it can do for them, but are worried that it will break their budget, especially to take it as part of a routine. The reality, however, is that it is absolutely possible to maintain a delta 8 regimen […]