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Binoid THC-P Vape Cartridges Review

For years, Binoid has been at the forefront of the hemp market, offering all kinds of innovative products that explore different cannabinoids that provide unique yet highly desirable effects.  Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THC-P) is one of the newer cannabinoids to hit the scene, with the most potent psychoactive effects yet for a truly one-of-a-kind high. Binoid THC-P Vape […]

Delta Extrax Delta 9 THC Gummies Review

Delta Extrax (Effex) and Urb were one of the very first company’s to strike gold with the then-brand new delta 8 market, and now they’ve emerged onto the delta 9 THC scene with similar success.  These delta 9 THC gummies combine lab-tested, federally compliant servings of delta 9 with excellent ingredients to offer nothing but clean, […]

Where To Buy Delta 8 THC In Michigan

Delta 8 is picking up across the country, as news of this exciting hemp compound is spreading with possible benefits such as anxiety and sleep relief.  Today, you can find delta 8 THC in all kinds of exciting forms, but the question remains as to whether or not it’s legal in each state.  We know […]

Where To Buy Delta 8 THC In Ohio

Delta 8 THC is a fast-growing market in the United States, and unsurprisingly, an influx of hemp enthusiasts are eager to get their hands on this unique compound, which comes from the hemp plant and is known for its psychoactive properties.  But the question remains, where can you buy Delta 8 THC products in Ohio? […]

Do Synthetic Cannabinoids Fail A Drug Test?

Research tells us that the hemp plant is rich in over 100 individual cannabinoids, and there’s been particular emphasis on cannabinoids of a psychoactive nature in the last couple of years.  Delta 8, delta 10, THC-O, and many intoxicating hemp derivatives offer uniquely enjoyable experiences while acting as “legal highs” for those of us who […]

CBD Cake Recipes: Healthy and Delicious

You most likely clicked this because you saw the word “healthy” in the same sentence as the word “cake” and thought no such thing exists. Cakes are normally considered an unhealthy treat made for the occasional indulgence but are absolutely terrible for you. Fortunately for you, we’re looking to break the stigma of cakes only […]

What Is Delta 9 THC?

Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9 THC) is the most notorious cannabis derivative, and the reason why laws regarding cannabis have been so complex throughout our country’s history.  We know that delta 9 THC occurs in the hemp plant only at about 0.3% of the plant’s total chemical composition.  This is regarded as a trace amount that won’t […]

14 Ways The Farm Bill Will Change CBD Forever

The 2018 Farm Bill, which was recently signed by President Donald Trump a little over a week ago, changed the lives of many farmers with more insurance coverage and protection over their crops. Because of this, the 2018 Farm Bill is likely to change the Hemp CBD industry forever, affecting the lives of tens of millions of other people who would never know it. This may include you! Here is how. 

Buy THC-P in Bulk | Bulk THC-P For Sale

Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THC-P) is quickly becoming a hugely popular derivative of the hemp plant, and THC-P products are popping up on the market more and more to accommodate users’ interests pertaining to the psychoactive cannabinoid.  At the same time, a lot of individuals would prefer to buy their THC-P in bulk, either through the purchase of […]

Wholesale Delta 8 THC Products: Vape Catridges, Rechargeables, Tinctures

As a hemp or vape retailer, it is important to always carry the latest and greatest products to hit the market to maintain a competitive edge and meet as diverse an array of customer demands as possible.  The popular cannabinoid-based product right now is Delta 8 THC, a federally legal and phenomenally potent hemp-based compound that many […]

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