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Best Cannabis Strains For Productivity and Creativity

The world of cannabis strains is diverse and extensive, with an ever-growing variety of cultivars that can address our most specific needs.  For those who are looking for help in the creativity and/or productivity department, there are plenty of cultivars that can get those juices flowing.  That’s why we’re going to go over our favorite strains that can help you feel more creative and productive.

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What Defines Creativity?

Creativity can be defined in various ways, but at its base, it usually involves the generation of novel and valuable ideas, solutions, or expressions. 

Here are some key aspects that define creativity:

  1. Originality: Creativity often involves the generation of ideas or expressions that are new or original.  This can mean producing something that hasn’t been seen or done before or combining existing ideas in a unique way.
  2. Value: Creativity goes beyond mere novelty; it also entails producing something that is valuable or useful in some way.  This could mean creating something that solves a problem, fulfills a need, or brings joy or inspiration to others.
  3. Flexibility: Creative individuals are often able to think flexibly and consider multiple perspectives or approaches to a problem or idea.  They may be willing to take risks, experiment, and explore unconventional possibilities.
  4. Fluency: Creativity often involves the ability to generate a large number of ideas or solutions, sometimes referred to as fluency.  Creative individuals are often prolific idea generators who can produce many potential solutions before selecting the best ones.
  5. Persistence: Creativity can also require persistence and resilience in the face of challenges or setbacks.  Creative endeavors may involve trial and error, and success often requires dedication and perseverance.
  6. Context: The definition of creativity can vary depending on the context in which it is being considered.  What is considered creative in one domain or culture may not be seen as creative in another.  Additionally, creativity can manifest in various forms, including artistic expression, scientific discovery, technological innovation, and more.

What Defines Productivity?

Being productive typically refers to the ability to efficiently utilize one’s time, energy, and resources to accomplish tasks or goals that are meaningful or valuable.  Productivity can be measured by the level of output or results achieved relative to the input or effort expended. 

Here are some key aspects that define productivity:

  1. Goal Orientation: Productivity often involves working towards specific objectives or targets, whether they are short-term tasks or long-term projects, and in a in a way that is efficient, effective, and sustainable.
  2. Efficiency: Productivity entails achieving desired outcomes with minimal wasted time, effort, or resources.  It involves optimizing processes and workflows to maximize output.
  3. Effectiveness: Being productive means not only completing tasks but also doing so in a manner that meets quality standards and contributes to overall success.
  4. Time Management: Productivity involves managing time effectively by prioritizing tasks, setting deadlines, and minimizing distractions to make the most of available time.
  5. Focus and Concentration: Staying focused on the task at hand and avoiding distractions is essential for productivity.  This often involves maintaining concentration and avoiding multitasking.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Productivity is not static; it involves constantly seeking ways to improve processes, skills, and efficiency to achieve better results over time.
  7. Balance: True productivity also involves maintaining a balance between work and other aspects of life, such as personal well-being, relationships, and leisure activities.

How Do Productivity and Creativity Come Together Then?

Productivity and creativity are often seen as two sides of the same coin, and when they come together effectively, they can produce powerful results by these intersections:

Clear Goals and Direction: 

  • Productivity often requires clear goals and objectives to work towards.  
  • Creativity can help in defining these goals in innovative and novel ways, sparking new ideas and approaches to achieving them.

Efficient Workflow: 

  • Productivity thrives on efficient workflows and processes. 
  • Creativity can enhance these workflows by introducing new methods, tools, or perspectives that streamline tasks and make them more engaging.

Problem Solving: 

  • Creativity is essential for thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative solutions to problems. 
  • Productivity then helps in implementing these solutions effectively and efficiently.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Both productivity and creativity thrive on the concept of continuous improvement.
  • Productivity ensures that tasks are completed efficiently, while creativity drives the search for better ways of doing things.

Flexibility and Adaptability: 

  • Creativity allows for flexibility and adaptability in approaching tasks and challenges. 
  • Productivity ensures that these creative ideas are channeled effectively towards achieving desired outcomes.

Inspiration and Motivation: 

  • Creativity can inspire and motivate individuals to be more productive by providing a sense of purpose and excitement about their work.


  • Finding the right balance between productivity and creativity is crucial. 
  • Too much focus on productivity alone can stifle creativity, while too much focus on creativity without productivity can lead to ideas without tangible results.


  • Productive collaboration often requires creative thinking to generate new ideas and solutions collectively. 
  • Productivity then ensures that these ideas are implemented efficiently within a team or organization.

In essence, productivity and creativity complement each other by providing structure and direction to creative ideas, while creativity injects innovation and inspiration into productive processes.  When they come together harmoniously, individuals and teams can achieve their goals more effectively while also fostering a culture of innovation and growth.

How Cannabis Strains Can Make Us Feel Productive and Creative

Cannabis strains can vary significantly in their effects due to differences in their chemical compositions, particularly the ratios of cannabinoids (i.e., THC and CBD) and terpenes, which are aromatic compounds found in many plants, including cannabis. 

The feeling of increased productivity and creativity reported by some users can be attributed to several factors, however, before we touch upon those, it is important to note that while some users report positive effects on creativity and productivity, cannabis can also have the opposite effect for others, leading to decreased motivation and cognitive function.

Factor #1: Cannabinoid Ratios

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary psychoactive component in cannabis that can produce feelings of euphoria and relaxation.  CBD (cannabidiol), on the other hand, is non-psychoactive and is known for its calming and anti-anxiety effects.  Strains with a balanced or specific ratio of THC to CBD can influence the user’s experience, potentially enhancing creativity or focus without overwhelming side effects.

Factor #2: Terpenes

These aromatic compounds contribute to the scent and flavor profile of cannabis strains but also affect their therapeutic properties.  Terpenes such as limonene (citrusy scent) and pinene (pine scent) are associated with uplifting and energizing effects, which can contribute to a sense of creativity and productivity.  Myrcene, another terpene, is known for its sedative qualities, which might affect productivity differently depending on the user and context.

Factor #3: Individual Differences

The effects of cannabis also vary widely among individuals due to factors like personal tolerance, previous cannabis use, and individual biochemistry.  What might make one person feel energized and creative could have a sedative effect on another.

Factor #4: Set and Setting

The environment in which cannabis is consumed and the user’s mental state can significantly influence the experience.  A supportive, stress-free environment may enhance the creative and productive effects of cannabis.

Why Does the Cannabis Strain You Select Matter So Much Then?

Before we dive into our list of favorite THC strains, we want to explain why strains matter a lot more than some people tend to give them credit for.  The strain refers to the cultivar of cannabis, as different cultivars naturally exist throughout the world, developing unique chemical compositions based on environmental factors.  Simultaneously, breeders are crafting new strains constantly, combining specific cultivars together to produce unique desirable effects.

There are three types of strains: 

  • Sativa strains are regarded as “daytime” strains, with more uplifting, focus-enhancing, sociable, and energizing effects.  
  • Indica strains are favorable at nighttime due to producing deep feelings of relaxation and calm in the body and mind.  
  • Hybrid strains come from crossing an indica with a sativa, producing a unique balance between the two.

The effects that you derive from one strain can differ wildly from another.  For instance, taking a very stimulating sativa is unwise if you’re trying to mellow out and go to bed.  Taking a potent indica during work hours can prevent you from getting anything done, which is a problem if you’re trying to derive focus-enhancing, energizing effects from cannabis.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of strains out there, and plenty of information online behind each one.  This means that it’s easier than ever to choose the perfect strain based on the specific effects that you’re trying to achieve.

Top Cannabis Strain Picks for Creativity-Boosting, Productivity-Enhancing

Now, cover some exceptional cannabis strains for improving creativity and productivity, in order to help you get going and accomplish your goals.

Productive and Creative Strain #5: Sour Pebbles

Sour Pebbles is a mouthwatering strain that tastes like sweet and sour fruity breakfast cereal.  With 25% THC and a sativa-leaning orientation, Sour Pebbles get you very, very high, while giving you the creativity-enhancing effects you’re looking for, as well as a boost of energy that makes you feel productive.  It’s a cross between Fruity Pebble OG and Alien Diesel, and it’s a huge hit on the medical circuit, being popular among those with ADHD who need help concentrating and staying motivated. 

If you have a bunch of things to do in one day, then this strain will certainly help you get all of that done.  At the same time, it can help you see things through a more enthusiastic and optimistic perspective.

Productive and Creative Cannabis Strain #4: Blue Dream

Blue Dream is one of the most legendary strains of all-time, and in fact, remains a massive hit on both the medical and recreational markets.  Renowned for its positive effects on those with ADHD, this is a strain that can help you stay locked into your daily tasks, getting more accomplished with a motivated euphoria effect.  Concurrently, you will be treated to a delicious blueberry taste that fans of the strain can’t get enough of.

Blue Dream is a 60% sativa-leaning hybrid that can help you feel both relaxed and joyous, while having the unique ability to give you major artistic inspo for the duration of its high.  Plus, it’s never too stimulating, so you won’t have to worry about struggling to wind down during the evening hours.

Productive and Creative Cannabis Strain #3: Mountain Temple

Mountain Temple is an 85% sativa/15% indica hybrid, with about 23% THC, which is definitely on the potent side.  It’s a cross between Appalachia and Temple, and thus, can give you a big boost of motivating energy to help you enjoy a more productive day.  It can also provide some nice giggly vibes if you’re enjoying it with friends, while offering deep introspection and creativity when you’re by yourself.  Its ability to ease the body helps enhance this headspace even more.

Mountain Temple’s flavor is outstanding, with bold notes of fruit with sour skunky undertones.  It’s also a fantastic strain for improving appetite, as a side note, and its high can last for quite a while, offering a euphoric feeling that helps you feel optimistic as you tackle whatever your day has in store.

Productive and Creative Cannabis Strain #2: Candy Jack

Candy Jack is an extremely popular hybrid, and a cross between Cotton Candy and Jack Herer, with powerful THC levels of around 27%.  Its flavor is candy-like, with bold notes of fruity sweetness that never fail to hit the spot.

People say that it gives them a big blast of motivation, to help them tackle their responsibilities.  It can sharpen the mind and motivate you beyond words, and the high can last for quite a long time, all while promoting feelings of intense euphoria.  It can stimulate your creative senses and help you focus on artistic pursuits.

Productive and Creative Cannabis Strain #1: Pineapple Express

Finally, we have one of the most famous strains of all time: Pineapple Express, with its ever-enduring popularity.  It’s a 60% sativa-dominant hybrid with 25% THC, and it was considered one of the most potent strains of all time until high-THC cultivars became the norm.  People are also all about its distinctive flavor profile of fresh pineapple and pine.

Pineapple Express can offer a really nice motivating type of high, that makes you eager to socialize, get things done, and take on projects around the house.  It can help you zero in on artistic endeavors.

Get Motivated and Creative with These Top-Shelf Strains at Binoid 

These awesome strains each have what it takes to give you the boost you need, allowing you to get through the day feeling motivated, productive, and enthusiastic, all while allowing you to find your creative side.  We invite you to check out these sensational cultivars and many, many more at Binoid, where our products are sold fresh for maximum flavor and effectiveness.

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