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How Long Does CBGA Last in the Body?

CBGA has been getting quite a bit of attention lately thanks to new research that is emerging regarding its uniquely valuable effects.  This cannabinoid is becoming easier and easier to find on the market as a result, and the fact that it’s non-psychoactive makes it appealing to those who value hemp but aren’t interested in a high of any kind.

Still, there are a number of people who want to know how long CBGA stays in the system after the last dosage was taken.  This question is most common among those who are worried about the potential for some kind of reaction between CBGA and something they take, whether it be a medication or otherwise.


How Long Do the Effects of CBGA Typically Last in Our System for?

Before we cover how long CBGA can remain in someone’s system, let’s go over how long the actual effects of this cannabinoid can be felt.  CBGA is not psychoactive, so you won’t experience a high that slowly tapers off after a certain number of hours.  But, its properties will still be at work in the endocannabinoid system (ECS) before wearing off.  After that, CBGA can remain in the system for a surprising length of time as it metabolizes.

For those who don’t know, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) the acidic and raw precursor to cannabigerol (CBG) prior to decarboxylation.  CBGA is a compound that eventually gets converted into cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) as the plant matures.  What’s even more awesome is how an influx of researchers are showing an interest in CBGA’s potential effects that can be tremendously useful to the human body.

Now, once a person consumes CBGA, the valuable properties of the cannabinoid will be active in the system for a certain number of hours depending on the product type.

  • Inhalable Products (Vapes, Dabs, Flower): CBGA products that are inhaled, such as dabs, flower, disposable vape pens, and vape carts, absorb the fastest out of any delivery method, and so the effects last for the shortest period of time – 1 to 2 hours, on average.
  • Ingestible Products (Edibles, Capsules): A CBGA product that can be ingested, like a gummy or a capsule, or even a beverage, absorbs the most slowly into the body, and because of that, its effects last for the longest period of time – about 8 hours.
  • Sublingual Products (Tinctures): Sublingual products are products that are absorbed below the tongue, such as tinctures (CBGA oils).  They absorb at a rate between that of inhalable and ingestible products, which is why effects tend to last for about 3-4 hours.

Is There a Duration of Time When CBGA is Supposed to Leave Our System?

Cannabigerolic acid ( can remain in the body for about 2-30 days, based on how quickly your body metabolizes cannabinoids, and how much of the cannabinoid you have taken.  In very rare cases, it can last longer, mainly due to slow metabolization based on the individual’s health.  But, CBGA is not a cannabinoid that is tested for by drug tests, and so it’s hard for a person to know when their body has actually cleared it.

But, we do know about the basic process through which cannabinoids are metabolized, to give users an idea.  

  • About a half an hour after the cannabinoid first takes effect, 50% of it has metabolized.
  • Another 25% (averaged out) 30 minutes later.  
  • This leaves about 25% of CBGA in the body, which then metabolizes at a far slower rate that can take days.

What This Means for Drug-Testing Purposes 

CBGA is not a cannabinoid that is going to result in a positive drug test result, regardless of the type of test that was taken.  Drug tests look for evidence of THC usage, and CBGA is not a THC compound.  If you’re wondering how long CBGA lasts in the body because of an upcoming drug test, you have nothing to worry about in this regard.

What Actually Plays a Role in How Long CBGA Could Normally Last in the Body For? 

Like we said, CBGA can last in the body for up to several weeks.  But, there are many variables that affect how long it will take you to clear the cannabinoid completely after last taking it.

#1: Frequency of Use 

Yes, how often you’re using CBGA will make a big difference.  Taking it once a week is different from taking it twice a day.  The more often you consume CBGA, the more it will accumulate before fully metabolizing, since the metabolization process may not be able to keep up with how frequently you’re consuming it.

#2: Delivery Method  

It is likely that ingestible CBGA products take the slowest to metabolize, followed by sublingual products and then inhalable products, based on how they absorb into the body.

#3: Product Strength 

The higher your CBGA dosage amount, the longer it will take for the cannabinoid to clear out of the body.  The metabolization process of CBGA can only go so quickly, so if you are trying to metabolize, say, 100mg vs 10mg, you will find that it takes more days until the cannabinoid is completely clear.

#4: Your Metabolism

We know that some people just have a metabolism that works more quickly than others.  This can have to do with things like diet, personal health, genetics, water intake and hormones.

#5: When You Last Took CBGA

The last time you took CBGA will obviously make a difference.  Taking it 3 days ago is quite different from taking it 2 months ago, as less and less of this cannabinoid remains in the body with each passing day.

#6: Product Quality

Surprisingly, the quality of the CBGA formula can have a lot to do with it as well.  Products that are extracted using poor methods, or have expired, are going to have less chemical stability, meaning that a lot of the cannabinoid gets metabolized before ever becoming effective.

How Long After Using CBGA is it Safe to Take Any Type of Medication (Prescription or Non-Prescription)?

Most of us are aware that cannabinoids can suppress the amount of CYP3A4 in the body, and this enzyme is critical for breaking down a good number of common medications.  The reason why this can be a problem is because if the body is not producing enough CYP3A4 to break down a medication, each consecutive dose can accumulate in the bloodstream to the point of becoming potentially dangerous.

As there are no studies done on interactions between cannabigerolic acid and certain medications, we cannot actually answer this question.  But, we do urge you to talk to a doctor if you are taking a medication and wish to try CBGA, since they can offer personalized guidance that can ensure a safe CBGA experience.

The Bottom Line: CBDA Lasts Up To 30 Days In Your System 

Overall, cannabigerolic acid, like all cannabinoids, can remain in the body for quite a while after it was last taken.  While this won’t have any kind of impact on a drug test, it can matter if you’re taking certain medications.  For this reason, we really encourage you, once again, to speak with your physician who can help you come up with a way to take CBGA in a very safe and responsible manner.

Cannabigerolic acid ( can remain in the body for about 2-30 days, based on how quickly your body metabolizes cannabinoids, and how much of the cannabinoid you have taken.  In very rare cases, it can last longer, mainly due to slow metabolization based on the individual’s health.  But, CBGA is not a cannabinoid that is tested for by drug tests, and so it’s hard for a person to know when their body has actually cleared it.