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Should You Take Delta 8 If You Have Whooping Cough?

Whooping cough is a respiratory condition that many of us have been fortunate to have never experienced due to the existence of a vaccine, but it would be a huge mistake to think that it’s been eradicated.  About 24 million people get whooping cough each year around the world, with over 125,000 deaths annually.  Formally known as pertussis, the condition can be extremely serious.

Anyone who has whooping cough must be careful to take care of their bodies in a way that doesn’t put added stress on the immune system or further irritate the respiratory tract.  So, what if a person has a daily delta 8 THC routine – should they stop taking it while they wait for the infection to go away?  Let’s find out.


What is Whooping Cough?

Whooping cough, or pertussis, is an infection of the upper respiratory tract that is known for being extremely contagious.  Symptoms typically begin within 5-10 days of exposure, and can last for up to several weeks, often worsening during week 2.  The name of the condition comes from the sound that occurs after a person coughs, which indicates extreme congestion and difficulty taking in air.

What are the Symptoms of Whooping Cough?

In the first couple of days of whooping cough, a person may think that they just have a cold.  Why?  Because the symptoms seem very mild, including:

  • Runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Low-grade fever
  • Mild cough

But, after the first several days, the symptoms can worsen to: 

  • High-grade fever
  • Vomiting during coughing fits
  • A high-pitched “whoop” after coughing

The whooping sound results from the fact that the intensity of the coughing fits removes all air from the lungs.  When air is inhaled back into the lungs, it makes this unique sound.  Whooping cough can last for up to 10 weeks, with the coughing fits gradually becoming less and less severe after the first few.

Is Whooping Cough Dangerous?

Whooping cough is especially dangerous in babies, as it can disrupt their breathing and can also result in a high fever.  It’s important to note that whooping cough may be associated with pediatrics, but it can occur in adults, and be especially dangerous in adults with weakened immune systems as well as the elderly.  While the coughing fits can be extremely taxing on the body and scary as well, they are rarely dangerous in and of themselves, as the body intelligently takes in oxygen efficiently between them.

How is Whooping Cough Treated?

Whooping cough is a bacterial infection, which means that it is treatable with antibiotics.  However, each person responds to antibiotics differently.  Also, treatment is far more effective if administered early on during the infection.

Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be administered to reduce fever and reduce inflammation of the airways that can make a cough far worse.  Meanwhile, typical home care methods are recommended, including rest, the consumption of fluids and so on.

Delta 8 THC for Whooping Cough Dosage Chart and Guide

#1: Minor Whooping Cough Delta 8 THC Dosing (Low Tolerance): 5-8mg per use

#2: Intermediate Whooping Cough Delta 8 THC Dosing (Medium Tolerance): 8-15mg per use

#3: Severe Whooping Cough Delta 8 THC Dosing (High Tolerance): 15-30mg+ per use

If you want to use delta 8 for whooping cough, you can take between 8-30 milligrams depending on your tolerance, with beginners starting out with just 5mg.  Keep mind that the quality of delta-8 is important, as low-quality products can result in unwanted side effects such as headache, anxiety, and fatigue.  Taking high doses can result in grogginess and dizziness in sensitive individuals, and a tolerance can be developed over time.

Can Delta 8 THC Be Taken if a Person Has Whooping Cough?

First and foremost, let’s make one thing clear: if you have whooping cough, you should tell your doctor everything that you take on a regular basis to determine whether or not it’s safe during the course of the infection.  This means that if you’re taking delta 8, ask them whether or not it’s safe to continue doing so for the duration of the infection in the body.

Overall, delta 8 THC has not been shown to have any negative effects on the course of the infection.  In other words, there is nothing in delta 8 that has been found to make symptoms worse or reduce the body’s ability to clear the infection through immunity.

Delta 8 THC is a minor cannabinoid that binds to cannabinoid receptors in the body to promote regulatory effects, which is part of the endocannabinoid system’s task of maintaining homeostasis throughout the body.  Delta 8 in particular binds to CB1 receptors in the nervous system that balance processes like pain receptor sensitivity, mood, sleep and more.

While delta 8 has not been shown to have any effects on immunity (due to a lack of studies at the present moment), this cannabinoid has been shown to offer some effect on sleep, which might be useful among patients because the cough can worsen at night, interfering with one’s ability to sleep, and a lack of sleep can prevent the immune system from being strong enough to fight the infection efficiently.  

Also, delta8’s overall effect on the endocannabinoid system may offer some type of widespread regulation in the body that is generally conducive to proper bodily function.  In other words, by maintaining the nervous system, this may play a larger role in preserving the role of the immune system which can be depleted when other systems of the body are not in good order.

Mixing Delta 8 THC with Medications for Whooping Cough

One thing we must again emphasize is that you must talk to your doctor about delta 8 THC if you are on any medications for whooping cough.  Studies on interactions between delta 8 and common antibiotics are lacking, but we do know that delta-8 inhibits the CYP3A4 enzyme that is needed to break down certain anti-inflammatory drugs that may be prescribed to help manage the cough – especially steroid drugs, which can accumulate in the body dangerously if it inhibits the enzyme needed to metabolize them.

What are the Best Delta 8 Products for an Whooping Cough?

Delta 8 THC comes in different delivery methods, and some are more appropriate for whooping cough specifically than others.

  • Tinctures
  • Capsules
  • Gummies
  • Vapes

If you have whooping cough, we do not recommend any delta 8 THC products that involve inhalation, such as vaping products or dabs.  If the throat is inflamed due to the infection, these products can make coughing worse.  Instead, opt for capsules, edibles, or tinctures, which both introduce delta 8 into the body in ways that can be effective.  Tinctures are absorbed sublingually to take effect within about 30 minutes, lasting for up to 4 hours.  Edibles offer up to 8 hours of effects, along with capsules, while taking up to 2 hours to become effective.

Note: You can still use delta 8 topical products, as they do not enter the bloodstream when being used. 

How to Take Delta 8 While Dealing with Whooping Cough

If you wish to take delta 8 while dealing with whooping cough, and you have your doctor’s approval to do so, we recommend taking it daily to keep the compound in the body in active levels.  Cannabinoids like delta 8 have a cumulative effect that makes consistent intake more useful over time.  If you’re a beginner to delta 8, start with a low dose – 5mg-8mg daily – and build your way up as your tolerance allows.

The Bottom Line: Delta 8 May Be Okay if You Have Whooping Cough 

Overall, there is no evidence that taking delta 8 THC is harmful if you have a whooping cough infection, although there have yet to be any studies investigating the matter.  What we do know is that it can be potentially harmful if you are on certain medications.  At Binoid, we offer lab-tested, carefully formulated delta 8 product types that may be taken for the duration of the infection under a doctor’s guidance, of course.


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