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Delta 9 Cannabinoid: Tested and Reviewed

Hemp-derived delta 9 THC is a big seller on the hemp market, offering a federally legal way to enjoy the effects of the most controversial cannabinoid of all time.  But, it leaves hemp enthusiasts with many questions – primarily, how does hemp-derived delta 9 THC work, and does it work differently from the delta 9 that is found far more prominently in marijuana?

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How Do Cannabinoids Work?

To appreciate the way in which hemp-derived delta 9 works, we need to focus on the relationship that all cannabinoids share with our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).  The ECS is a system that exists in all mammals, and its job is to use cannabinoids to regulate individual processes of the body, with the overarching goal of bringing us into homeostasis.  

Throughout the body, you’ll find a network of cannabinoid receptors, each one capable of regulating a specific process of the body, whether it be our sleep cycle, our mood, our inflammation levels, our pain tolerance, etc.  Cannabinoid receptors are divided up into two categories: CB1 receptors, located in the nervous system, and CB2 receptors, located mainly in the nervous system, digestive system and immune systems.  Some cannabinoids work more strongly with CB1 receptors, some work more strongly with CB2 receptors, and some work with both in a more balanced way.

When a cannabinoid like delta 9 absorbs into our body, it attaches to specific cannabinoid receptors, and this process enables the cannabinoid receptors to regulate specific processes that affect our body and mind.  At the same time, specific cannabinoid receptors in the brain use cannabinoids to produce a psychoactive effect, and how strongly a particular cannabinoid attaches to those receptors determines the strength of the high, which explains why some cannabinoids are far more intoxicating than others.  

There are over 100 individual cannabinoids in the hemp plant, and each one plays its own role in interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which is why each cannabinoid ultimately feels and behaves differently.  This is why getting high off of delta 8 can feel so different from getting high off of THC-P, for example.  

Theoretically, each time we consume a cannabinoid, we’re bringing our bodies closer to homeostasis, although it’s safe to say that the majority of people who take psychoactive cannabinoids are more interested in its immediate intoxicating effects, which are undeniably enjoyable and can be extremely valuable.

How Does Hemp-Derived Delta 9 THC Work with the Endocannabinoid System?

Delta 9 THC is known for its pretty strong high, and that comes from its love for CB1 receptors in the brain, which it binds to easily to introduce a psychoactive effect.  But, there’s a mistaken belief that delta 9 only works with these CB1 receptors, when in reality it works amply with CB2 receptors as well, explaining why delta 9 THC is known as such a versatile cannabinoid in the sense that it offers a wide variety of beneficial properties to the user beyond getting them high. 

Delta 9’s potency being higher than that of delta 8’s, for comparison, comes from the fact that it’s in the 9th carbon chain rather than the 8th (hence the “9” in delta 9 THC), which enhances its ability to bind to cannabinoid receptors efficiently once absorbed into the bloodstream.

What Effects Can Hemp-Derived Delta 9 THC Offer?

Unlike most cannabinoids on the hemp market, delta 9 THC has been researched extensively, for several decades.  This means that we’re able to confirm certain properties of the cannabinoid that have been backed up by years of clinical data and scientific analysis.  For one thing, many of us are familiar with delta 9’s high, which reflects its strong relationship with CB1 receptors.  The high is known for being both euphoric and soothing, and offering a body high that feels great.

We also know that delta 9 has a lot of physiological properties beyond getting us high:

Final Hemp-Derived Delta 9 THC Working Thoughts

Delta 9 THC is a fascinating cannabinoid that is widely known around the world for its distinctive effects – not only its high, but its other properties that have allowed the medical marijuana industry to exist.  As you can see, delta 9 works because of its relationship to our body’s endocannabinoid system, and hemp-derived delta 9 THC can produce all of the effects that we’re seeking out from this famous cannabis compound.  And, at Binoid, you can enjoy all sorts of amazing delta-9 products.

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