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HHC-P vs PHC: Which Cannabinoid Is Better

HXC-P and PHC are two of the newer cannabinoids to debut on the hemp market, and while you may think that they’re practically the same, the reality is that they behave in very different ways.  They’re both psychoactive, which means that you’re in for an enjoyable high no matter which you choose, but still, it’s important to know how they differ, especially when it comes to how strong the high can be.

Since many people are unfamiliar with both of these cannabinoids, we’re going to compare them to one another, to help you understand what each one has to offer.  This way, you can decide where each one may fit in your cannabinoid lifestyle.

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Why Choose HXC-P?

HXC-P Origins 

HXC-P, or hexahydrocannabiphorol, is a newly developed cannabinoid that’s getting extremely popular.  It doesn’t actually exist in nature, but it’s a semi-synthesized cannabinoid.  Rather, it’s a semi-synthesized cannabinoid that comes from modifying HXC, or hexahydrocannabinol, which is a naturally occurring cannabinoid, found in hemp’s seeds and pollen. 

HXC’s effects are extremely similar to the effects of delta 9 THC because it’s actually delta 9’s hydrogenated analog, and HXC-P is produced by adding 2 carbon atoms to its alkyl side chain, which lets the cannabinoid bind to CB1 receptors in the brain a lot more efficiently, resulting in far more powerful effects.

HXC-P’s Psychoactive Properties

With HXC-P, know that you’re in for a super potent high, since the cannabinoid was specifically invented to be a more intoxicating version of HXC.  It’s actually one of the most psychoactive cannabinoids that exists, with some reporting that it’s more powerful than THC-P, which is considered the most powerful naturally occurring cannabinoid of all.  HXC-P is probably about 10 times as strong as traditional HXC, and those who do use it say the high induces powerful feelings of euphoria.

HXC-P’s Non-Psychoactive Properties 

HXC-P is virtually brand new, which means that clinical researchers haven’t actually explored its potential therapeutic benefits.  However, since we know that HXC-P is a stronger form of HXC, you can assume that any benefits you notice when you take HXC, you’ll also feel with HXC-P, only more strongly. 

Purpose for Taking HXC-P

HXC-P is really a recreational cannabinoid for the time-being, since its extremely strong high is its biggest appeal to cannabis enthusiasts.

HXC-P’s Legality 

HXC-P is a cannabinoid that’s federally legal, because it fully complies with the 2018 Farm Bill, which stated that hemp-derived products are federally legal if they contain no more than 0.3% delta 9 THC.  But, 19 states have prohibited all psychoactive cannabinoids, and because HXC-P falls into that category, it’s banned in:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Maryland
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Utah
  • Washington

Why Choose PHC?

PHC Origins 

PHC, aka hydrox4phc, is a derivative of delta 9o, with delta 9o being an acetated version of delta 9.  When taking delta 9o or PHC, the acetate molecule metabolizes pretty much immediately, leaving behind THC that’s no different from the delta 9 that’s in cannabis.  PHC is reported to produce an incredibly long-lasting high compared to other cannabinoids, converting into 99% THC once it absorbs into the bloodstream.  People who have tried it have said that the high lasts for as long as THC edibles, which is about 8 or so hours. 

PHC’s Psychoactive Properties

Basically, PHC’s high is no different from delta 9’s high, since it becomes 99% delta 9 THC in the body.  So, it’s definitely milder than HXC-P, but can still be very potent if you’re a complete THC beginner.

PHC’s Non-Psychoactive Properties 

Because PHC converts into delta 9 in the body, it’s safe to assume that it offers the same potential benefits as delta 9 THC, only with much longer-lasting effects.

Purpose for Taking PHC

It’s not surprising that most people who purchase PHC are doing so because they want to experience the same effects as delta 9 THC, whether they be recreational (its high) or therapeutic.

PHC’s Legality 

PHC is federally legal like HXC-P, because it also complies with 2018 Farm Bill.  But, because it’s intoxicating, it’s illegal in:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Mayland 
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Maryland
  • Nevada
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Utah
  • Washington

Final Decision: HXC-P and PHC – Two Ways to Enjoy a Legal High from the Hemp Plant  

HXC-P and PHC both ultimately offer the same thing: a psychoactive effect from hemp, which is legal across the country.  But, at the end of the day, their highs are very different.  HXC-P is extremely potent, while PHC is about as strong as delta 9, but lasts for longer.  So, if you’re interested in experimenting with cannabinoids, we can safely say that there is a lot to enjoy about both of these new additions to the market here at Binoid.

To Buy PHC Products Click Here