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How Does Shilajit Make You Feel and How Long Does It Take To Work Himalayan Shilajit Resin Grade A Pure Himalayan Shilajit 5000mg 100 Natural For Sale Online

How Long Does It Take Shilajit To Work?

Right now, you’ll find a lot of people that are getting into shilajit, raving about its many benefits that pertain to our health.  This natural substance is derived from mountainous regions, where it acquires a stunning abundance of minerals, organic acids, and more, rarely found together in nature in such potent amounts.  The new superfood, it can improve your life in all kinds of ways.  But, more specifically, how does shilajit make you feel, and when will those beneficial effects actually kick in?


The Basics on Shilajit 

Shilajit is a substance known for its dark, sticky, resinous properties, and it comes from mountain regions at high altitudes – mainly the Himalayans.  When its chemical composition was first analyzed, it was found to have a high level of humic acid.  Humic acid results from the decomposition of plants, as microbes ingest and break down plant life, which ends up in the soil.  Our soil naturally contains humic acid, and this gave scientists the realization that shilajit starts out from decomposing plants surrounding high-altitude mountainous areas.

When the humus-rich soil experiences rainfall, it makes its way down toward the crevices of mountains where it ends up staying permanently.  As this soil sits in these crevices over the course of years and years, it takes on the mineral composition of the rocks, and undergoes an aging process that changes the structure of the soil itself.  The result is a resin that is outstandingly high in minerals and other nutrients, as well as organic acids like humic acid and fulvic acid, leading to one of the highest densities of nutrients in the natural world.

The benefits that come from shilajit have to do with its fulvic and humic acids along with its abundance of minerals, many of which are extremely rare, yet are directly involved in our personal health.  So, when we talk about how shilajit makes us feel, it’s directly because of this fascinating chemical composition.

What Affects How Long It Takes For Shilajit To Work?

Shilajit promises a staggering concentration of nutrients and organic acids that affect the functionality of the human body.  But, exactly how you experience the benefits of the substance can be slightly different from someone else.  There are some things that you’ll want to consider in terms of how they can alter the effects that you feel, specifically.

  1. Body Weight: Your body weight can determine how much you should take each day to fully benefit from the product.  Those with a higher body weight tend to benefit from a higher dosage amount.
  2. How Much Food is in Your System: It’s commonly recommended that you consume shilajit on an empty stomach to derive the most benefits from it.
  3. Your Bodily Chemistry: The chemistry of your body determines a lot about how shilajit’s compounds interact with different physiological processes.  The unique nature of each individual’s body is highly complex, and all kinds of factors can alter which effects that you experience the most strongly.
  4. Metabolism: Because shilajit is taken orally, someone with a fast metabolism may find that they metabolize a good deal of the product before it fully absorbs into the system.  So, in that case, a higher dose would possibly be best.
  5. Dosage: How much shilajit you take is going to matter as well, which goes without saying.  A lower dose can be beneficial but may not be enough to give you the full extent of the benefits found within the product.
  6. The Product’s Quality: Of course, a product made using poor methods is going to have a low purity level or contain additives that interfere or alter how you feel after taking shilajit.

Short-Term Effects of Shilajit 

Now, let’s talk about the effects you might feel shortly after taking shilajit, while it’s at peak levels in the bloodstream.  Keep in mind that there’s no high that comes from taking shilajit – the product is fully nonintoxicating – so don’t expect a buzz.

Improved Mood

Shilajit is an adaptogen, and may be one of the most powerful adaptogens in the world, in fact.  Adaptogens are plants and fungus that improve the body’s ability to respond to stress, by regulating adrenal functions so that emotional distress is more easily tolerated by the nervous system.  This can have a big influence on your tolerance to stress and emotional state, making a person more resilient to the daily stresses of life.  This means that taking shilajit daily can give you surprisingly fast and thorough relief from stress, anxiety, and low mood.  

Better Cognition

Shilajit’s nootropic properties can help you focus better, and stay more productive during the day.  People who take shilajit resin regularly say that they notice they feel more alert, clear-minded, motivated, and able to concentrate on tasks, while other functions like short-term memory and general optimism improve as well.

Boost in Physical Energy

People who tend to feel fatigued or sluggish talk about relief by taking shilajit on a daily basis.  Shilajit can improve cellular function, which in turn boosts energy levels.  It also has nootropic qualities that can give the nervous system the gentle stimulation it’s looking for, without any feeling of being wired, agitated, or anxious – like what can happen when we consume too much caffeine.

Long-Term Effects of Shilajit 

So, we know that shilajit can make you feel alert, focused, happy, and energized shortly after taking it.  But, what about the longer-term effects that build up over time?

It is known that shilajit’s high levels of nutrients can work cumulatively, just like most supplements.  In other words, after repeated use, the body finally builds up high enough levels of these important nutrients to enable functions of the body to work more effectively.  

Let’s look at what these long-term benefits are, that you might feel after taking shilajit daily for a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on how depleted you may be of certain nutrients.

  • Long-Term Cognitive Support: Shilajit’s fulvic acids contain antioxidants that play a direct role in the prevention and slowed progression of dementia, by improving cognitive health on a cellular level.
  • Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Regulation: Shilajit’s chemical compounds can balance blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Kidney and Urinary Tract Support: There are a number of minerals in shilajit that play a role in promoting the health of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Improved Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: Shilajit’s fulvic and humic acids allow for improved absorption of nutrients, by enhancing cell permeability, while the minerals in the substance can boost digestive health.
  • Immune-Boosting Properties: Shilajit has been found to improve immunity by supplying the body with a high concentration of nutrients that support immune function.
  • Bone Health: Many minerals in shilajit play a vital role in supporting the health of our bones.
  • Promotes Longevity: The properties of shilajit have long been seen as longevity-enhancing, and the high concentration of antioxidants in the substance likely plays a role.
  • Hormonal Balance: Shilajit may help regulate menstrual cycle, while promoting the production of male sex hormones to improve fertility.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Shilajit has been found to regulate inflammation in the body.

How Long Can it Take Before Shilajit Starts Working?

Now we know what both the short and long term benefits of shilajit are.  But, how long does it actually take to start benefiting from these properties?  We talked about how things like body weight, body chemistry, dosage, and other variables determine how you’ll feel after taking shilajit.  It turns out that these factors can also determine how long it takes for you to feel the effects of shilajit.  And, again, how low you happen to be in certain nutrients found in shilajit can also affect how long it takes for the cumulative benefits to really kick in, which, again, can range from a week to a couple of months, if it’s consumed daily, depending on the nutrients themselves that you’re deficient in, and how deficient you are.

Overal, however, we know that some people can get those short-term effects the very first time they take it, while others may notice it takes up to a week to start feeling a noticeable difference shortly after taking the product – we’re talking about effects like improved energy, mood, and cognitive function.

As for the longer-term effects, those can vary a bit more, again based on how much your body is lacking in the nutrients found in shilajit.  So, the key thing to remember is that if you do buy shilajit, you should take it daily, and know that it may take a little while for your body to fully receive the nutrient levels that it needs to begin working in a highly beneficial way.

Try Shilajit for Yourself to Feel Better in No Time!

It’s clear that shilajit offers lots of benefits both in the short and long term, and these benefits can kick in quite quickly, especially if you’re taking the product consistently, in the proper dosage amount.  At the end of the day, the only real way to know how it will make you feel is to try it for yourself, of course.  Fortunately, at Bounce Nutrition, you can get your hands on pure, lab-tested shilajit, to reap the full potential of what this natural substance has to offer.