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How To Boost Your Creativity with Cannabis Cannabinoids

If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck in a creative rut, it might be time to bring some cannabinoids into your daily life.  It’s no secret that cannabis has been a muse for centuries, with some of the greatest artists of all time thanking specific cannabinoids for giving them ideas that have led to brilliant pieces of music, prose, art, and more.

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Can Cannabinoids Actually Boost Your Creativity?

The thing about the link between cannabinoids and creativity is that it’s pretty hard to prove.  There’s no biomarker for creative thinking, like there is for, say, inflammation levels, blood pressure or thyroid function.  Creativity is a part of the cognitive center of the brain which influences our thoughts, mental stamina and motivation.  What we do know is that cannabinoids share a close relationship with the brain’s cognitive center, which is why there is so much promise when it comes to using certain cannabinoids for cognitive decline.

More specifically, cannabinoids work on CB1 receptors in the brain, and given what we know about CB1 receptors, it’s not a stretch to claim that cannabinoids have an influence on our creativity levels.  Biological marker methods aside, we have more than our fair share of anecdotal evidence from the last several hundred years to today, of individuals who say that cannabinoids give them the creative boost they need.  This seems to be particularly true of psychoactive cannabinoids, which allow for a high that changes the way in which we think, feel, and behave.

Quick Note on Strain, Strength, and Product Type

Before we go further, it’s important to point out that cannabinoid products vary in all kinds of ways, and some may be more conducive to a creativity boost than others.  Maybe the most important factor is the strain.  Certain strains of cannabis have terpene configurations that just lend themselves to more creative thinking, and there are plenty of indica, sativa, and hybrid strains that all have particularly creativity-enhancing properties.  Tangie, Blue Dream, Chemdawg, and Amnesia Haze are just a very, very small number of many go-to’s for this particular purpose.

The two other things to pay attention to are the strength of the product and the product type.  All effects of cannabinoids are dose-dependent, so naturally the product’s strength tells you how potent that creativity effect will be, although it’s worth pointing out that taking too much of a psychoactive cannabinoid can make you feel on edge or downright sleepy, which can counteract feeling creatively inspired.  The product type matters because it affects potency, duration of effects, and onset of effects, all of which have a key role in the creative process.

An Awesome Break Down of the Potential that Each Cannabinoid Has For Creatvity  

Keep in mind that there are no studies done on the topic, since again, creativity cannot be measured through tangible means.

Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 THC is considered by many to be “delta 9 lite”, since it can give you a soothing n’ mellowing effect without taking away your alertness and mental clarity.  It’s particularly good if you want a creative boost, but still want to be alert enough to be able to follow through on a project you’re working on, rather than feeling incredibly lazy and drowsy.  Because the cannabinoid is more mellowing, it’s a good choice for evening.

Delta 10 THC

Delta 10 THC is sort of the equal opposite of delta 8 THC.  It’s as intoxicating and can help you keep a clear and alert mind, yet its effects are more stimulating rather than mellowing.  This makes it great for daytime, since it’s unlikely to make you feel sleepy at all.  Many people say that delta 10 feels a lot like a sativa strain, in that its cerebral effects feel very uplifting and – yes – creative.  

Delta 9 THC

Delta 9 THC has been the muse of choice for many creative individuals, primarily in the form of marijuana.  Legends from Louis Armstrong to Jimi Hendrix have cited the cannabinoid as a source of inspiration, and we’re happy to take their word for it. 

Delta 9 is a cannabinoid that’s more potently psychoactive than delta 8 and delta 10, meaning that its high can be quite hazy and dreamy compared to the other two.  But, that’s part of its beauty, because what it takes from you in terms of alertness, it makes up for in freeform thought that easily lends itself to new perspectives and creative ideas.


Now, we get to the most psychoactive cannabinoid of all – THC-P.  Being 10x as intoxicating as delta 9, or so it’s estimated, this one definitely has the potential to boost your creativity, but it’s equally capable of putting you into a state of couchlock and making it difficult to hang onto any one creative thought for longer than a few seconds before it disappears into the abyss.  Basically, THC-P can be great for creative individuals, but only if they have a high tolerance to THC in general.


THCV is a very mildly psychoactive cannabinoid, and these properties are notoriously elusive due to the unusually high boiling point of the compound paired with the fact that it has a somewhat high threshold dose that must be achieved in order to get the user high at all.  Basically, we don’t recommend it as the best choice for getting creative.


Lastly, we have HHC/HHC-O, with the latter being 1.5x more potent than the former.  These two cannabinoids basically mirror the effects of THC, being THC in hydrogenated form.  So, it’s not surprising that those who find delta 9 to act as the perfect key to unlock their creativity also gravitate toward these 2 cannabinoids for precisely the same reason.

Unlock Your Creativity with the Cannabinoids at Binoid 

While we have no conclusive evidence that cannabinoids boost creativity, and we likely never will, the bottom line is that countless enthusiasts can’t all be wrong.  We encourage you to experiment at Binoid, not only with different cannabinoids but different strains, product types, and dosage amounts to find your muse with a little help from mother nature.

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