Hemp smells delicious to most of us, and it’s perfectly legal throughout the country, but that doesn’t mean that we want our car smelling of it all the time. While many of us love vaping our favorite cannabinoids and terpenes from Binoid while we’re on the road, sometimes that smell can linger for a while. And, when it’s time to try out a new strain, we can’t enjoy it to the fullest because we’re still getting strong notes of the old strain buried deep within our car’s cushions.
Fortunately, there are simple ways to knock that smell out for good. Follow the tips below and your car will smell fresh and hemp-free in no time.
Just How Strong is the Smell of a Cannabis Hemp Vape?
Fortunately, vapes smell far less potent than actual smoke. Vapor is naturally lighter than smoke, and so it dissipates faster. That’s because vapor contains a higher water concentration, so a lot of it just dissolves in the air before getting a chance to cling to anything, all while smoke is far denser, acting like a blanket for your car seats and anything else that you travel with.
But, that doesn’t mean that you might not have a lingering hemp vape smell from time to time. Two things that can make a difference are the strain and the formula of the vape oil. Some strains smell more potent than others (ahem, Sour Diesel and Trainwreck), and that can definitely influence the strength of the smell that ends up sticking around after you’re done vaping. The vape oil formula matters in that the higher the terpene concentration, the stronger the smell. Terpenes give hemp its aroma profile, and vape carts, for instance, made with live resin will smell stronger, since live resin is a more concentrated type of terpene extract.
Again, hemp is something that smells very favorable to most of us, but we have reasons for not wanting it in our car. One is that it may interfere with a new strain that we’re vaping, since the smell of the old one is overpowering the new one that we’re trying to enjoy. Or, you might just like having a car that smells neutral, even though you love how hemp smells while vaping it. Of course, you may also have some nosy individuals in your life who will keep asking you what they’re smelling when they’re in your car, and you’d rather avoid that conversation altogether.
What to Do if Your Car Reeks of Cannabis or Hemp
So, you’re driving around and you’re still smelling remnants of that hemp vape cart that you finished days ago. Now what?
Method #1: Roll Down the Windows and Wait it Out
If you’re able to, simply air out your car by rolling down the windows. This will speed up the process of the smell dissipating. Like we said, vapor is far less dense than smoke, so it shouldn’t take that long – maybe a few hours to a day, tops. But, if you haven’t aired out your car since vaping, the smell will stay in there for longer. If you can, you can even try opening the doors to make the process go even faster.
Method #2: Essential Oils Can Go a Long Way
If you like to go the natural route, opt for some essential oils. Grab an empty spray bottle and fill it with water, followed by several drops of different essential oils that appeal to you. Give the bottle a shake and spray it liberally throughout your car. Essential oils can mask the smell of hemp very well, all while making your car smell absolutely heavenly.
Method #3: Use Baking Soda or Activated Charcoal
If you have a sensitive nose, you may want to avoid adding fragrance to your car, and that’s fine. Odor neutralizers/natural deodorizers can work just as well, with baking soda and activated charcoal being two favorites. With either one of the two, sprinkle the stuff evenly throughout the car, making sure to get all of the fabrics, like the seats as well as the floor. Wait overnight before vacuuming it all up with a portable vacuum. Baking soda and charcoal both act as magnets for smells, picking them up and absorbing them so that once they’re vacuumed up, the smell is gone.
Method #4: Use Products Made Specifically for This Common Issue
You can find plenty of sprays and diffusers made specifically for masking the smell of cannabis, many of which are made with natural ingredients. These products have a high efficacy rate, again because they’re made for cannabis, specifically. Follow the directions on the product’s label to make sure that you’re applying correctly, and then enjoy a hemp-free car in no time.
Method #5: Give Your Car a Deep Cleaning
If all else fails, give your car a nice, long deep-cleaning, or hire a professional to do it for you. Go over every nook and cranny, and shampoo all of the upholstery, so that your car won’t just smell fresh, but be completely spotless.
Bottom Line: You’ll Be in the Clear in No Time
The good news is that the smell of a hemp vape is very easy to get out of a car, not only because the above methods work, but because vapor smells don’t last for very long anyway. Just try the above methods and you’re very likely to no longer smell that vape just in time for you to get your hands on a new strain.