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HXC-P Dosage: How Much Should You Take

Hexahydrocannabinol (HXC-P) is a semi-synthesized version of HXC, aka HHC, or hexahydrocannabinolHXC-P is also one of the most potent cannabinoids there is, about 10x as strong as HXC, to deliver an intense high.  Now, given how strong it is, it’s not surprising that so many hemp enthusiasts out there have questions about dosing.  

So, what is the right amount of HXC-P to take in one serving, to get satisfying results, while avoiding getting way too high?  Let’s find out.

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HXC-P Dosage vs. HXC-P Strength

Before going over the best dosage for HXC-P products here, let’s talk about strength versus dosage, as both of these factors are equally important.

Dosage: Dosage reflects the amount of product that we take, such as 4 puffs off of a vape cartridge, or 1 gummy.

Strength: Strength refers to the number of milligrams of HXC-P in the product, which tells us how potent the product is.  A dropper of an HXC-P tincture can contain any number of milligrams of HXC-P, and so the same amount of a specific type of product can vary a lot in terms of how much of the cannabinoid you’re actually consuming.

HXC-P Dosage Guide Chart: 

  1. Beginner HXC-P dosing (low tolerance): 1mg-5mg per use
  2. Intermediate HXC-P dosing (medium tolerance): 5mg-10mg per use
  3. Advanced HXC-P dosing (high tolerance): 10mg-20mg+ per use

This applies to HXC-P tincturesHXC-P vape cartridgesHXC-P gummies as well as other HXC-P products. The best way to dose out HXC-P is to try a very tiny amount, then slowly until you feel what you need. Product by product HXC-P dosing will be shown below. 

Where To Buy HXC-P Vapes & Products In Your State

The best place to buy HXC-P products is from Binoid, one of the largest and best HXC brands that has a wide variety of HXC-P disposables, HXC-P Gummies and HXC-P Tinctures for you to enjoy. Binoid has 1000s of five star reviews for Binoid products that people are loving. 

How Long Does HXC-P Take To Work?

HXC-P products kick in within 25 minutes if vaped or dabbed, and 1 hour if ingested through HXC-P tinctures. HXC-P products work like how any other product that you would inhale or digest do.

However, just like Delta 9 THC, be careful with ingestion because you might feel the need to take more when in reality it has not hit you yet. For this reason, we suggest waiting at least 2 hours before taking more HXC-P products. Especially as they are extremely potent and may creep up before kicking in. 

HXC-P Dosing Instructions

Often, you’ll find that the company that makes the HXC-P product has a recommended dosage chart amount somewhere on their packaging, which allows you to know how much you should take in one sitting to consume an “average” amount of HXC-P. 

This is a good piece of information to follow when getting started, as the manufacturer knows how much of their product you should take to generally experience the desired effects. For example, Binoid has HXC-P dosing information on all of their HXC-P product packaging.

Factors That Influence How Much HXC-P You Might Want to Take

Before we get into how much HXC-P is generally suggested as an ideal dose, we need to keep in mind that there are actually a lot of factors that influence the dose that’s right for you, in the more subjective sense.  Let’s explain.

#1: Your Tolerance to HXC-P

One thing we know is that based on the inherent design of each person’s endocannabinoid system, everyone has a specific, innate tolerance to cannabinoids, and sensitivity to their effects. And, of course, those who are totally new to cannabis are likely to have a very low general tolerance.  If you’ve used cannabis at all before, your tolerance to HXC-P product is probably going to be extremely low.

#2: The HXC-P Product Type 

What we’ve seen with all cannabinoids is that the delivery method and product type have a lot to do with the experience that we end up having.  The more bioavailable a specific delivery method is, meaning how efficiently it absorbs into the bloodstream, the more potent, fast-acting, and short-lived the high will be. 

HXC-P products that are meant to be inhaled, like vapes, flower, and dabs, will give you the most potent high of all, typically felt within minutes, while edible doses take a while to kick in and offer something of a more gradual peak that’s slightly subdued.  Tinctures are somewhere in the middle.  Then, with concentrates, aka dabs, you have the most potent product type by far.

#3: What You Want Out of Your Experience 

Some people may only want a subtle buzz, in which case a low dose would be the way to go.  Then, there are some people who prefer to get extremely high, and would want a higher dose.  It’s all about what you want out of this cannabinoid like HXC-P, which can be different for everyone.

#4: The Strain

As you may know, the strain of the HXC-P product can influence how strong your high will be, which is the case with flower, dabs, and vapes.  Each strain has an inherent concentration of THC, and this is why some strains are a lot stronger in terms of their highs than others.  Do some reading up on the strain you’re buying to find out how potent it is, and dose accordingly.

#5: Other Cannabinoids You’re Taking

If you’re taking other psychoactive cannabinoids as well, you might want to take a half dose or so of HXC-P.  A full dose of two different cannabinoids at once could mean getting way ‘more high’ than you intended. 

What’s the Proper HXC-P Dosage?

We do know enough about HXC-P to have a pretty good idea of what the general dosing guidelines should be like.  This all takes into account the high potency of HXC-P, so these guidelines generally apply to those who are comfortable with such a psychoactive cannabinoid.  We’ve broken our dosage guide into three sections, based on the different levels of potency consumers may be looking for.

#1: HXC-P Vape Cartridges 

HXC-P vape cartridges are quite potent and fast-acting because of the high bioavailability of this type of delivery method (inhalation).  To calculate the ballpark number of milligrams you’re getting out of every puff, you need to determine the total milligram strength of the cartridge, which should be right there on the packaging, and divide that by the number of milliliters in the cartridge.  Then, divide that number by 100, since there are about 100 puffs in each milliliter of vape oil.

Low Dose: 1-5mg

Moderate Dose: 5-10mg

High Dose: 10mg+

Now, maybe you’d rather a more basic dosing guideline based on the number of puffs to take, that doesn’t require any calculations.  How deeply you inhale will affect how strong each puff is, so just keep that in mind.

Low Dose: 1 puff

Moderate Dose: 2-3 puffs

High Dose: 4+ puffs

#2: HXC-P Disposable Vape Pens 

There are also HXC-P disposable vapes, which use the same dosing rules as vape cartridges.  Disposables use different technological components to enable the vaping process, but the vape oil itself is the same, as is the output level of the device that determines the amount of vapor produced by a single draw.  So, once again, the formula for figuring out how many milligrams of a vape disposable are:

Low Dose: 1-5mg

Moderate Dose: 5-10mg

High Dose: 10mg+

Again, if you prefer a more basic dosing guide based on the number of puffs to take, we have that too.

Low Dose: 1 puff

Moderate Dose: 2-3 puffs

High Dose: 4+ puffs

#3: HXC-P Tincture

Dosing with HXC-P tinctures requires that you divide the number of milligrams of HXC-P in the bottle by the number of milliliters it contains.  For example, if you have a 1000mg 30ml tincture, that comes out to about 33 milligrams per milliliter, as the dropper cap that comes with the bottle usually contains one milliliter of oil at a time.  Once you come up with the number of milligrams in each dropper of oil, you can modify the dosage amount based on the type of experience you want to achieve, as seen below.  Because oral products absorb into the body less easily than inhalable products, we compensate for this with higher dosage amounts.  

Low Dose: 1-14mg

Moderate Dose: 14-30mg

High Dose: 30mg+

#4: HXC-P Edibles

HXC-P edibles are ingested, and the effects can last for much longer than vapes and tinctures, although the effects can be a bit more subdued.  Because they are oral products like tinctures, the dosing guidelines are actually similar.  

Dosing with gummies is incredibly straightforward.  Each gummy in the package will contain the same number of milligrams of HXC-P, which means that to adjust the dosage, you just decide how many gummies to take at one time.  The same rule applies to capsules, as every capsule is going to contain the same amount of HXC-P.

Low Dose: 1-5mg

Moderate Dose: 5-10mg

High Dose: 10mg+

#5: HXC-P Flower

When it comes to HXC-P flower (hemp flower infused with HXC-P distillate), dosing is a little less straightforward, because flower doesn’t come in milligram strengths like other types of hemp products.  So, instead of looking to milligrams, just dose according to the number of puffs, regardless of whether we are smoking or vaping it.  Just remember that smoking it may bring you a slightly more potent experience than vaping it, because smoke is denser, and therefore slightly more concentrated.  This applies to vaping flower, or smoking it whether that be in a pipe or in the form of a pre-roll.

Low Dose: 1 puff

Moderate Dose: 1-3 puffs

High Dose: 3+ puffs

On the other hand, if you’re making edibles using HXC-P flower, dosing will be different.  You might want to weigh the flower, to put into your recipe your preferred edibles milligram strength (anywhere from 10-50mg for most individuals), multiplied by the number of servings that the recipe will yield.

#6: HXC-P Dabs

HXC-P dabs, aka concentrates, are the most potent products by far, because they’re highly concentrated.  Like with flower, you can’t dose according to milligram strength, since there is no milligram strength.  So, like with flower, we go based on the puff count, which generally applies to all types of dabs. 

Keep in mind that dabs are for experienced users with a higher tolerance, which is why the puff count recommendations are the same as they are for flower, rather than lower to compensate for the added potency.

Low Dose: 1 puff

Moderate Dose: 1-3 puffs

High Dose: 3+ puffs

How Much HXC-P is the Right Dose for You?

Overall, the dose of HXC-P that you’ll want to take depends on your unique THC tolerance, combined with how high you want to get from the cannabinoid.  Binoid’s HXC-P products arrive with clear dosing directions on the label, to make the process of figuring out how much to take a little easier.  We ultimately recommend starting with a low dose as a beginner, and then simply increasing that amount over time until you find your own personal form of satisfaction.

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