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Low THC Strains vs High THC Strains HowToGetNearMe BestPlace LowestPrice Coupon Discount For Smoking Best THC Legal Weed Online Binoid.

Low THC Strains vs. High THC Strains: What You Need To Know

Choosing a hemp strain is no easy task, especially now that we have access to so many at our fingertips.  Things that need to be considered include the flavor profile of the strain, its sativa to indica balance, its overall effects and, of course, its potency.

The potency of a strain is determined by its THC level, as in nature, different cultivars (strains) of cannabis end up with their own unique configurations of compounds, THC included.  Some strains are outrageously high in THC, which inevitably leads to an unforgettable high.  Then, there are strains that have low THC levels, which offer more of a buzz that keeps you grounded yet euphoric.


What Determines Low vs. High as it Pertains to the THC in a Cannabis Strain?

Back in the early hemp days, the average strain of cannabis had somewhere between 1%-5% THC.  That was several decades ago, and nowadays, such low THC amounts are practically unheard of.  It’s clear that the general population has shifted to prefer much higher THC amounts than ever before, and the reason why we have such powerful cultivars dominating the market these days is because breeders are working hard to meet demands.  

What that means is that what is considered to be a low THC amount vs a high amount is constantly shifting.  Just 25 years ago, a strain with 20% or more THC was incredibly rare.  Now, the most popular strains on the market start at 20% THC, averaging higher overall.  Plus, this trend toward higher THC levels is showing no signs of slowing down, with recent strains emerging that max out at a staggering 30%.

A Classic Hemp Battle: THC vs. CBD

You have two cannabis product types:

  • Cannabis Product Type #1: Contain significant amounts of THC and is the target of legislation that still considers cannabis a dangerous, addictive substance 
  • Cannabis Product Type #2: These are derived from hemp and contain trace amounts of THC, at or below the federally established level of 0.3% by dry weight.

Now, hemp-based products are high in cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabis compound with an extended index of potential benefits.  CBD tinctures, CBD gummies, and other CBD-infused products have essentially no THC, so they’re exempt from regulations, all thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill.  This piece of legislation permits CBD products to be sold nearly everywhere in the United States, either in-person or online.

Also, cannabidiol works alongside THC to sorta dull its psychoactive properties.  How?  Well, CBD can slow down the effects of THC on the brain’s CB1 receptor, hence it can help to bring down the anxiety and paranoia derived from taking in too much THC.  High CBD, low THC products, or those that contain an equal measure of both, can offer some amazing perks of THC minus a fierce high.

High THC Strains

These days, “high THC” counts as anything above 20% — depending on who you ask, that is.  There’s no real cutoff point, and like we said, THC levels keep getting higher and higher every couple of years, so one day, 20% could be seen as moderate – in fact, some connoisseurs already regard it as such.

A high THC strain will naturally get you extremely high.  It’s important to remember that just because the THC is high, doesn’t mean that certain side effects like paranoia and dizziness are inevitable.  The terpenes and the other cannabinoids in the strain, in terms of their various levels of concentration, also have a major part in any potential side effects.  We say this to demonstrate that you don’t necessarily need to hold yourself back from a high THC strain out of an assumption that you’re going to regret it later.

So, what are some examples of high THC strains that are commonly available?

  • Girl Scout Cookies (GSC): This  60/40 sativa/indica hybrid is one of the best-selling strains of all time, and boasts a stunning 28% THC, with intense feelings of euphoria and couchlock. 
  • Grand Daddy Purp (Grand Daddy Purple or GDP): A 70/30 indica-dominant hybrid, this grape-flavored cultivar is powerful with about 27% THC, and a powerfully hazy, foggy high that can knock you off your feet.
  • Wedding Cake: A 60% indica-dominant hybrid that’s renowned for its tasty flavor, but its 25%-27% THC level keeps people coming back for more.  This strain is the one to reach for if you need to find your sense of chill.
  • Trainwreck: Topping out at about 25% THC, you’re looking at an 80% sativa-dominant legend that is best for daytime, giving you a huge push of motivation and a dazed type of cerebral high.

Low THC Strains 

Low THC strains have a more generous range, as there are strains that yield 1% THC, and strains containing even under 15% THC can be classified as low.  It goes without saying that if you’re a THC newbie who has a tolerance to its effects that’s basically nonexistent, it may make sense to start with something on the lower end of the spectrum as you build up your tolerance to be able to enjoy what the higher THC strains above can offer.  Let’s share our favorite low THC strains.

  • Sour Tsunami: Yielding about 10% THC, this balanced hybrid has high CBD levels and a distinctively mellowing effect on both the mind & body.
  • Special Sauce: Another fantastically even hybrid, with just 1% THC to offer a faint buzz.  Many people say that this strain feels soothing and grounding.
  • Cannatonic: Has about 8% THC, and also is yet another balanced hybrid that boasts up to 14% CBD.  Best for physical discomfort, it can also mellow out your mood.

Try All Kinds of Potency Levels at Binoid! 

Whether you’re seeking out a gentle buzz or a mind-bending high, we’ve got you covered at Binoid, with a huge selection of strains ranging from very low to impressively high amounts of THC.  Explore all of the strains that we offer to find one that has what you’re looking for in terms of its strength, and know that as you continue enjoying different strains, you’ll likely be able to tolerate higher amounts of THC as time goes on.