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Shilajit Live Resin 101 Shilajit Live Resin Himalayan Shilajit Resin Grade A Pure Himalayan Shilajit 5000mg 100 Natural For Sale Online What Is Shilajit Live Resin

Shilajit Live Resin: What You Need To Know

Shilajit has been getting lots of attention as the newest superfood to take over the natural wellness market.  This fascinating substance is made through the incredible forces of nature at work, high up in the Himalayan and other high-altitude mountain regions.  Renowned for its density and diversity of minerals, organic acids, and other key nutrients, it can be taken daily, and is totally legal in the US.

Shilajit comes in a number of product forms, although it’s widely believed that shilajit live resin is the best form that there is, offering maximum benefits and overall results.  Today, we’ll explain why that’s the case, to help you make the best decision when choosing a product type.


The Basics on Shilajit

Shilajit is a sticky black substance that is derived from layers of rock in high-altitude mountain ranges around the world.  It’s strongly associated with ayurvedic medicine, which is the oldest medicine in the world.

When it comes to its chemical composition, shilajit has a lot in common with humic substances that are found in our soil, which demonstrates that shilajit possesses decomposed plant matter.  When its chemical composition was first analyzed years ago, it was found to contain high levels of plant residue, along with resins and gums.  

Now, we know that this plant residue comes from nearby plant life that, after dying and decomposing in the soil, mixes with water caused by rainfall.  The resin of the plant then washes along the soil and finds itself mingling with organic elements and minerals in these mountainous regions, until it evaporates and becomes a crust that stays stuck within crevices of the mountain’s rock formations.  Limestone adds to its chemical makeup and gives it the ability to harden into the sticky resin that makes shilajit unique.

Shilajit Live Resin: What is it?

Shilajit exists naturally in resin form at the time of harvest, and so shilajit live resin that you find in stores is the purest and most unrefined form of shilajit.  There are other product forms like powder and liquid, but those can only be produced by processing and refining the original resin, which may take away from the product’s overall efficacy.

Ideally, shilajit live resin is neither too hard nor too soft.  The substance is known for being very water-soluble, so this sticky black substance can dissolve into liquids easily, which is how most people choose to take it.  Its aroma and flavor are bitter with a burnt component.  And while it’s sticky, it’s fairly malleable.

Shilajit is usually described as being almost black, but the hue can vary a little based on where it comes from in the world.  No matter what, it should be a very, very dark-brown color that’s almost black.  But, it may or may not have a reddish tinge depending on the mountain range from where it was harvested.

What Makes Shilajit Live Resin Better Than Other Types of Products?

Shilajit live resin is simply the better option over capsules, liquids, and powders, when it comes to efficacy and purity.  After all, it’s the least processed form of the substance, as processing inevitably takes away from the chemical composition’s bioavailability.  Like all product forms, live resin has to go through a purification process at the time of harvest, to remove potentially harmful microbes and unwanted raw materials it’s come into contact with.  After this purification process, what remains is the live resin, which can then be processed further into a liquid or powder, or left as is.  Now, let’s look at why it’s better on a more specific level.

More Shilajit Bioavailable

The fact that shilajit live resin has undergone the least amount of processing means that it’s likely more bioavailable.  Typically, the closer a substance remains to its natural state, the more readily it absorbs into the body for maximum effectiveness.  

Higher-Potency and Purer

Because live resin has undergone less processing than other product types, it has a higher purity level as no compounds have been compromised.  This means that it’s very likely that using live resin will result in the highest level of effectiveness, for a more potent experience, and more noticeable long-term effects when worked into your daily routine.


Finally, live resin is versatile.  Its consistency is neither solid nor liquid, which means it’s easy to dissolve in liquids, yet has enough malleability to be blended with certain foods as well.

Easier to Confirm Its Authenticity

With shilajit live resin, it’s easier to confirm that you have an authentic product, because live resin has very distinctive properties that are simply to identify.  Its consistency is very unique, whereas powders and liquids can be less so.  Its ability to dissolve into water is something that makes this resinous substance different from other resinous substances.

Does Live Resin Have Any Drawbacks

Really, you’ll have a hard time finding something to complain about with shilajit live resin.  One thing we have heard from some users is that due to its thicker, stickier consistency, it takes a little longer for it to dissolve in liquids compared to powders and liquified shilajit products.  Of course, that’s a matter of an extra minute or so, and a blender can help speed up the process.

Shilajit Live Resin: The Best Choice Overall 

Shilajit can be extremely beneficial in any product form, but it’s hard to deny that live resin reigns supreme for the reasons we’ve discussed today.  It’s purer, more potent, and more natural, which overall works toward giving you the best efficacy of all.  It’s also dissolved easily in water, so don’t be turned off by its sticky consistency!  Just stir, and you’re good to go.

At Bounce Nutrition, you can find authentic, pure shilajit live resin, with just the right consistency for ease of use – not too firm, and not too soft.  Lab-tested and regarded as some of the best on the market, it’s the perfect way to make shilajit live resin part of your daily routine.