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How to Store Blue Lotus Hemp Flower

Blue lotus hemp flower is a brand new kind of product that infuses raw hemp flower buds with the extract of blue lotus flower – a water lily that’s been used for thousands of years thanks to its psychoactive effects.  Blue lotus hemp flower allows for a unique high that comes from the plant’s distinctive compounds that can enhance feelings of wellbeing, arousal, mood, and even lucid dreaming. 

Finding the best blue lotus hemp flower on the market is paramount if you want to enjoy these described effects, since some flower is naturally going to be fresher, higher in quality, and more potent than others.  But, once you do end up with that flower in your possession, there’s another thing to be mindful of, which is how you store it.  Raw hemp flower buds have a relatively short life, and thus, storing them properly is key to making them last.  Meanwhile, blue lotus flower has its own shelf life that needs to be taken into account.

To Buy Blue Lotus Hemp Flower Click Here

How Long Can Blue Lotus Hemp Flower Last?

All cannabis flower has a shelf life that hovers around 6 months, at most, because unlike extracts, the product is fresh (well technically, dry-cured) and so it breaks down more quickly.  It doesn’t make a difference whether or not the flower has been infused with a cannabinoid distillate, or in this case, blue lotus.  Meanwhile, the blue lotus extract that’s infused into hemp flower is useful for about 2 years before it expires, so the good news is you don’t need to worry about it going bad before the flower.  

Now, after 6 months, blue lotus hemp flower won’t be harmful to consume, as long as it hasn’t clearly developed mold or been contaminated in some way.  But, what will happen is that your flower will no longer give you the effects you’re hoping for.  How come?  Well, because the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other desirable compounds in hemp flower degrade once they’ve aged, and that means that they lose their effectiveness. 

Basically, expired blue lotus hemp flower won’t really do much for you, although the blue lotus extract will likely remain effective for longer than that point.  Of course, degraded terpenes in hemp flower mean that the product will lose its flavor, too.  Expired flower also tends to dry out, and so smoking or even vaping it can well… be a challenge, since there isn’t enough moisture left inside to avoid burning it.

Storing Your Blue Lotus Hemp Flower: What to Know 

Generally, blue lotus hemp flower has a shelf life of 6 months like we mentioned earlier, but at the same time, if you’re not storing it the right way, the product can and often does expire even sooner.  Failing to keep it in the right environment means that you may deter its ability to supply those desired effects in a matter of days or weeks.  So, how do you store it the right way then in order to avoid this from actually happening?

Storage Tip #1: Avoid Heat Exposure

One thing that will degrade the compounds in your blue lotus hemp flower quickly is exposure to prolonged or excessive heat.  Naturally, we have to heat flower to use it, whether we’re smoking, vaping, cooking, or baking with it.  But, prolonged exposure to heat, as well as heat beyond a couple hundred degrees, can speed up the process of the flower degrading, and the heat doesn’t even have to be high if it’s exposed long enough. 

Just storing your flower by a heating vent can be enough to ruin your flower over the course of a couple of weeks.  So, the takeaway is to keep your blue lotus hemp flower in a spot of your home that stays at room temperature or below.

Storage Tip #2: Avoid Bright Lights

Just like heat, prolonged or excessive light exposure can cause the compounds in your flower degrade.  Keeping your blue lotus hemp flower in a windowsill that gets direct sunlight will do damage to your flower, fast.  So, look for a dark area that doesn’t get direct or bright light, and this will make your flower last for as long as possible.

Storage Tip #3: Avoid High Humidity

High humidity will also degrade blue lotus hemp flower, which is why you want to keep it in an area of the home that stays dry at all times.  One of the worst places where you can keep your flower is your bathroom, because the humidity fluctuates a lot throughout the day due to the use of the shower.  This can cause your flower to not only degrade, but become moldy, which makes it completely unusable. 

The bottom line?  A closet, drawer or cabinet is ideal, because these areas stay dry, dark and cool throughout the day.  If your flower gets too dry during this period, stick a lettuce leaf in there – this age-old trick will get moisture back into your blue lotus buds, as long as they’re still relatively fresh.

Storage Tip #4: Avoid the Outdoors

Of course, you don’t want to keep your blue lotus hemp flower outdoors, where environmental conditions can change drastically in short periods of time.  This means no storing your flower in a car, in an outdoor shed or a garage.

Storage Tip #5: Keep It Airtight 

All blue lotus flower products must be kept in an airtight container of some kind, because exposure to oxygen will both dry out the flower and break down those cannabinoids and terpenes, as well as the blue lotus extract.  Either keep your flower in its original packaging, if that has some sort of airtight seal, or purchase an airtight container like a glass jar where you store all of your flower products.

Proper Storage Means Lots of Good Times Ahead

One thing that you can’t get around is the fact that not storing your blue lotus hemp flower properly means you’re far more likely to waste money on a product that fails to meet your needs, since it will degrade so fast it can lose its effectiveness. 

But, the good news is that blue lotus hemp flower is actually very easy to store, so you don’t have to worry about it going bad prematurely – a dark, dry, and cool place, in an airtight container, is all you need to make that blue lotus flower last.

To Buy Blue Lotus Hemp Flower Click Here

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