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Delta 11 THC Drug Test: Why You Will Fail

There’s yet another tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compound making waves before it’s even launched onto the market, and it’s delta 11 THC.  Like delta 8 THC and delta 10 THC, delta 11 behaves similarly to delta 9 THC, offering a psychoactive high and lots of valuable effects that help us feel better both physically and mentally.  Early […]

Delta 11 THC: Where is It Legal? A State-by-State List

Did you know there is a new cannabinoid that’s about to make its way onto the market?  Wondering what that could be?  Well, it is called delta 11 THC, which so far appears to offer a uniquely potent high that might be 3x as strong as that of delta 9 THC.  But, with any new […]

Delta 11 THC Dosage: How Much Should You Take?

Delta 11 THC is a newer discovery, and a cannabinoid that’s pretty hard to come by these days.  In fact, it’s such a new cannabinoid that we don’t even know how psychoactive it is.  Because of that, you might not be sure how much to take when you do end up with a product, such […]

Where To Buy Delta 11 THC Vape Carts

Delta 11 THC is a legitimate cannabinoid in hemp, rather than a synthetic cannabinoid riding on the coattails of hemp’s growing popularity.  First referenced in the early 1970s, there is very little information about it out there outside of the fact that it’s psychoactive, which isn’t surprising considering what we know about tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compounds […]

Buy Delta 11 THC Vapes Wholesale | Bulk Delta 11 Vape Carts

Here at Binoid, our Delta 11 THC Vape Cartridges have quickly become the most in-demand on the market, available in a variety of top-notch strain options, their fresh terpene flavor and their undeniably powerful effects via our uniquely pure delta 11 THC distillate.  Because of the hard work that went into developing these vape carts, […]

What Is Delta 11 THC?

Just when you thought you knew all of the cannabinoids in the hemp plant, a new compound has emerged, and trust us when we say, you don’t wanna miss out on it.  Delta-11 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 11 THC) is yet another naturally occurring, extremely trace cannabinoid found in hemp, which new technology has allowed us to […]

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