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Best Delta 9 THC Gummies: Top 5 Strongest Delta 9 Edibles

Are you someone who has been following the hemp industry over the last year?  If so, then you may have heard about delta 9 gummies.  It can seem surprising that delta 9 gummies would be legal, but they are, and hemp enthusiasts are grateful for it.  Because more and more companies are introducing their own […]

Delta 9 THC Dosage Guide

Now that companies have found ways to incorporate delta 9 THC into their products while remaining federally compliant, a whole new wave of hemp enthusiasts are exploring what this known psychoactive can offer to their existing hemp routines.  The key to having an enjoyable experience with delta 9 thc products is taking the proper dose, […]

Why Delta 9 THC Might Not Work For You

There is a lot of buzz going around about federally compliant delta 9 THC, the new addition to the hemp market that maintains compliance with federal law by being hemp-derived and containing a maximum of 0.3% delta 9 THC by dry weight.  These products can certainly give you the many effects associated with the cannabinoid, because […]

Where To Buy Delta 9 THC In Oregon

Adding to the other legalized cannabinoids like CBD, delta 8 THC, delta 10 THC, THC-O, etc., Oregonians are buzzing about federally compliant delta-9 products, which introduce a new way to obtain delta 9 THC which happens to come from the hemp plant rather than the marijuana plant.  But, as you may know, some hemp-based delta […]

Where To Buy Delta 9 THC In Oklahoma

There’s finally a way for Sooners to enjoy some delta 9 without a medical card, thanks to federally compliant delta 9 products that come from the hemp plant.  Anyone living in Oklahoma can legally purchase hemp-derived delta 9 THC to get a meaningful high at last, but as you’re about to find out, the only […]

Where To Buy Delta 9 THC In Ohio

As Ohio’s cannabis laws continue to evolve, Ohioans in the state who might already be using legalized cannabinoids like CBD, delta 8 THC, delta 10 THC, THC-O etc. could now be turning their attention to federally compliant delta 9 products that come from the hemp plant.  These products are more widely available than ever before […]

Is Delta 9 THC Safe?

Delta 9 THC is a cannabinoid that many of us have been familiar with for some time, but only recently have we been able to access it legally thanks to the new federally compliant delta-9 products that come from the hemp plant.  For centuries, delta 9 has been hugely popular, but does that mean that […]

5 Reasons Not To Give THC To Your Kids or Pets

Now that we have access to federally compliant delta 9 THC, we can enjoy the effects of this extremely popular cannabinoid without worrying about breaking the law because of where we live.  Derived from hemp, delta 9 is a long-established valuable compound that offers all kinds of positive effects alongside our ability to get us […]