Because Cannabidiol(CBD) products are such a new and growing industry, there is plenty of misinformation being spread around about the uses of oils, creams and other products for their “magic-like” effects.
However, there is more to it than just that. There is specific language that should be understood about what type of products you are getting, because you may be getting something that is not best for you. This guide is to help you find the best choice for CBD products.
You have probably heard the terms “Hemp” or “CBD” or “Full Spectrum” before, and you ask yourself, what the heck are these! Well, I can attest that we all have been there at some point. In this article,
We will be going over all of the key terms, and what they mean. Especially in relation to each other. And hopefully by the end of this article you will have an experts understanding of Cannabidiol (CBD) and how everything ties together. Or at least a reference point to learn more.
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First off, in order to truly understand Hemp-based CBD, you must first understand the differences between Marijuana and Hemp.
Because there is a lot. Marijuana and Hemp are two species come from the same family of plant, Cannabis Sativa. Which you probably have heard of before.
Marijuana and Hemp are like twin plants under the same parent plant of Cannabis, but both of these plants have similar and different features which we will go over here. Both of these plants have certain compound similarities. For example, both contain CBD and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and are both green plants… Beyond that Hemp and Marijuana could not be more different.
Now both these plants are similar in that they contain many compounds and components, called Cannabinoids. Hence our name Binoid CBD. Yes, we are very creative. Cannabinoids are receptors in our brains that interact with our Central Nervous System and other parts of the body. CBD supposedly binds to these receptors. In humans but also in pets such as dogs, and cats.
However, THC and CBD induces different effects to the body. THC is psychoactive, which means it will get you high. Meanwhile CBD does not include any psychoactive properties, and therefore will not get you high. Instead, CBD provides the relief and medical benefits that has become popular for anxiety, joint pain, arthritis, and sleep disorders.
CBD can come in many forms, including Oil Tinctures, Creams, Gummies, Capsules, inside Food. You name it, and the list is only expanding as new innovations occur. Hemp oils and CBD can now be found in bath bombs, kombucha, coffee, and teas.
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Now what is Hemp CBD Oil?
Now that you understand THC and CBD, it will be easier to understand Marijuana vs Hemp. The major distinction between the two is that Marijuana is abundant with THC, with approximately a concentration ranging from 15% to 45% depending on the DNA and growing location. On the other hand, Hemp contains a measly 0.3% THC concentration or less. This is due to the plant itself, and federal regulations. In fact, just this last month President Donald Trump lawfully separated the legality of Hemp vs. Marijuana in the 2018 Farm Bill stating that Hemp will no longer be under the same jurisdiction of Marijuana. Making it it’s own legal entity, and no longer monitored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Now it is considered a normal agricultural commodity and crop, like corn and cotton and is monitored by the Department of Agriculture. Read more about it here.
In short, the way I would describe CBD is, “CBD is the medical part of Cannabis that does not get you high and has no discernable side effects” And that’s when people freak out and ask if that even exists. Yes, yes it does.
After knowing this, CBD Oils that are currently being sold on the marketplace, and our site www.binoidcbd.com are from the Hemp plant, and are 0.3% or less. At least for now all proper and legal hemp CBD products are going to be less than 0.3% THC because that is the legal limit of THC allowed in hemp products.
Now within the CBD products containing less than 0.3% THC there are two most common types of oils. Full Spectrum and Pure oils. Full Spectrum vs Pure CBD Oils (Also known as 99% Pure, Zero THC or THC Free). In short, Full Spectrum refers to CBD Oils that contain 0.3% THC or a little bit less.
That is because 0.3% is determined under federal law and regulation. Full Spectrum Oils also contain over 132 other Cannabinoids found in the Hemp plant such as CBC, CBG, and CBN. Each of these provide different unique medical qualities and benefits that help out unique symptoms. Hence the name, Full Spectrum.
For example, one is better for inflammation while others help anxiety more. However, that is due to the fact research is still early in the process of examining qualities besides CBD. In a few years we should have more information.
In relation, Pure CBD is what it sounds like, Pure or 99% CBD with no other Cannabinoids. It is the purest amount of CBD, with its own unique benefits. Pure Oils are less popular, and are becoming more rare as Full Spectrum oils seem to becoming the standard within the marketplace.
However, that does not mean Pure Oils do not have their place. Because Pure CBD oils have no THC, they are great for people who have to take drug tests regularly. This includes athletes such as boxers and football players. As well as military or government positions. These oils will not trigger a drug test, if they come from a trusted manufacturer and brand.
Be careful who you buy from, and make sure you online buy from companies that show a Certification of Analysis and Third-Party testing results. Which Binoid CBD takes pride in putting on all the products we sell.
Note, you cannot compare the effectiveness of one versus another. Each person reacts differently to both. The best we can suggest is to try both and see which one makes you feel better.
If you buy from us and feel like one is not as effective to you, feel free to send us an email and we will give you a major discount so you can try the other. After understanding the basics, now you can begin your journey with CBD aid! One thing to keep in mind are the companies you are purchasing from.
Make sure they are of high quality CBD extraction and contain a Certification of Analysis. There are many brands out there that are not the highest quality. Binoid CBD has done in-depth inspections and vetting of all the brands we offer. Ensuring they pass all of our tests before accepting them on our site. We have a clear process in finding the best CBD Oils for pain, dogs, anxiety, and sleep, while also making sure we provide you the best CBD Oils on the market.
What does it mean when it says 500mg, 1000mg, 1500mg CBD Oils?
Milligram(mg) refers to the concentration and strength of CBD within the oil itself. Oils used to only contain 100mg. However, as CBD extraction has improved, the lowest amount has moved to 250mg as a health additive, and 500mg, 1000mg, and 1500mg as being the standard strengths.
What CBD dosage is best for me?
The best CBD strengths and concentrations are highly dependent on your needs, your symptoms, the severity, and other variables such as height, weight and age. However, the general guideline for CBD dosages for the average person is below. Note that you are above average height or weight, you may need to take a higher dosage to see more effects. Based off of research studies, these are a summary of the best CBD dosage.
- 250mg CBD Oils fit as health and wellness additives, but are becoming more rare as 500mg oils start replacing the benefits of 250mg.
- 500mg CBD Oils fit those who have anxiety, sleep insomnia, minor pains, inflammation and discomfort, or if you just want to relax and calm down. For fitness, this seems to work well for people who casually exercise around five times a week and are looking for something to ease soreness and pain during the week.
- 1000mg CBD Oils seem to work well for the majority of moderate to fairly severe pains. Which may include chronic pains including joint and nerve pains, arthritis, myalgia, and migraines. In terms of fitness, this works well for amateur to professional athletes who deal with intense physical activity daily.
- 1500mg CBD Oils fit more severe pains and injuries such as car crash injuries, possible surgeries, or for when more severe help is needed.
- 2500mg-5000mg are more rare and are really for extreme cases. The average consumer would not be using these oils.
- CBD Pet Oils – Yes, CBD for pets is a real product. There are similar oils on the market specifically made for pets, usually using cold-pressed hemp oil which makes for easier digestion for your pet. Including dogs, cats, and other smaller animals. Some higher strength Hemp CBD oils are great for horses too, so make sure you check the strength of the oil before purchasing. 150mg-250mg oils seem to work best for most pets who deal with anxiety, pain, injuries, or an overall additive for healthy animal vigor.
*Note: These are fits based on what we have seen and experienced, we are not identifying a treatment or fix to any injuries or pains. Consult your doctor if CBD is right for you.
Product on saleBinoid Good Night CBD Oil – Sleep Blend$28.99
What does CO2 Extraction mean?
CO2 Extraction is the name of the process manufacturers use when extracting CBD from the hemp plant. Most people bypass this fact, but it is important for knowing the quality of CBD you are getting. CO2 Extraction is the best way to extract CBD oil from the hemp plant. It is also the most expensive and rare. More and more companies are investing in CO2 Extraction because the market is becoming more competitive. Every brand Binoid CBD sells online uses CO2 Extraction, as we only want to work with the best and most up-to-date brands on the market.
What does Third-Party lab tested mean?
Third-party lab tested means that a completely separate, independent and “third-party” organization analyzed and reviewed the company and their products. This includes their manufacturing process from bottom to top. Including extraction, processing, among many other specific requirements. They check and analyze each company to see if the company complies with specific performance, quality, and safety standards.
In order to show proof of quality and ingredients of their products, reputable companies send their products to an external “third-party” who checks their products for ingredients. This gives proof of analysis from an independent company to prove product quality, and should make customers for at-ease when making new purchases. Binoid CBD posts third-party lab test results on EVERY product and item we sell! Straight from the manufacturers. We want to make sure our customers are as comfortable as possible when making purchasing decisions.
What is a Certification of Analysis?
A Certification of Analysis is a document or page that shows proof of each specific good and their specified results. The Certification of Analysis usually states the test that was done, and the company’s results from that test. The analysis is done by random sampling of a batch of products, which is usually a certain percentage of the total goods sold.
A Certification of Analysis gives more evidence and proof of quality. At Binoid CBD, we provide all available Certification of Analysis for the products we sell. Our brands have all been and analyzed and vetted with Certification of Analysis being a major component for testing.
How long does CBD take to work?
CBD can take 20-30 minutes until you feel it but it really depends on your diet, weight, how much food is in your stomach, and even genetics. If your stomach is empty, you may start to reap the benefits as quickly as 20 minutes.
How long does CBD each use and how many times should I take it a day?
Simply, each person reaps CBD differently. However, on average we have found that CBD lasts up to 6 hours and we suggest taking CBD twice a day. Usually once in the morning and once at night. Or, whenever you need to feel the effects.
How long does one CBD Oil last me?
Depending on the dosage amount that you’re taking, CBD can last from a month to a month and a half. On average we have found that CBD tinctures last around a month for our customers. Luckily we give free shipping on your next order!
Thank you for reading the entire article! We hope this helps you make better decisions when ordering Hemp CBD pain relief, and making the right choice. Binoid CBD is a licensed online retail establishment for everything hemp CBD products based in Los Angeles, California. Highest quality brands. Best prices. Fastest shipping. Browse our collection of oil tinctures, creams, pet oils, gummies & more! We verify our brands and specialize in serving people with body pains. If you liked this article, and want to learn more click here!
Disclaimer: We are not claiming that CBD Oils will solve your injuries, we always suggest our customers to talk to their doctors before using CBD. However, Hemp CBD Oils have shown to have great effects on our customers!