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Which State Does THCA Flower Usually Come From?

One of the things that we frequently look for when buying a hemp product is the location where the hemp was originally farmed.  We know that when it comes to hemp, the more locally it was sourced, the better, since this means that it’s fresher.  But, simultaneously, locally grown hemp is not necessarily superior based on where you live.  Why?  Because some states are simply more capable of growing top-shelf hemp than others, based on two main factors: the climate, and the law.  

  • Climate-wise, things are pretty self-explanatory.  Hemp is a plant, and all plants have preferences when it comes to things like temperature, humidity, rain, etc.  Naturally, then, some states can better provide the ideal environment for hemp than others.  As a “chameleon plant,” hemp can grow in practically any environment. Hemp takes on the attributes of its environment more than practically any other plant, though, so your yields will directly reflect the environment they were grown in.
  • Some states have stricter laws for hemp cultivation than others, which can stifle farmers from being able to contribute meaningfully to the hemp industry across the country.

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5 States That Produce Some of the Finest Quality THCA Flower Out There

The U.S. Federal Government allowed for hemp cultivation throughout the country thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill.  All that being said, here are the following states in particular that’re absolutely ideal for growing hemp, based on both climate and state law.  Plus, if you look carefully while you shop for hemp-infused products, you’ll see that it’s very likely the hemp in the formula came from one of these states, too.


Tons of top-rated hemp companies source their plant material from Colorado, and that’s no coincidence.  Up until very recently, Colorado has been established for years as the top supplier for industrial and medical grade hemp, and a lot of that is because the state was one of the first to introduce laws and regulations to encourage farmers to grow hemp specifically for commercial use.  That’s not surprising considering that historically, Colorado has maintained some of the most liberal cannabis laws throughout the United States.

Besides that, The Centennial State’s climate is compatible with growing hemp, which’s why the state has the second highest yield in the country.  The dry, sunny Colorado mountain air seems to be ideal for many top-performing strains throughout the industry, and so hemp farmers can do quite well there.


Kentucky is also a fantastic state for growing hemp, which is why a lot of the hemp that we consume comes from the Bluegrass State.  In 2018, when the Farm Bill first officially federally legalized hemp across the country, Kentucky produced a whopping 6,700 acres worth of hemp material.  This may be surprising, since the state is historically very, very conversative, which would make one think that they would never dare to dabble in the cannabis industry

However, the climate is absolutely fantastic for the hemp plant, and there’s something else that needs to be taken into account: The Bluegrass State has always been one of the leading producers of tobacco, and with tobacco demands declining steadily over the years, many of these farmers have found it very lucrative to switch to hemp, which is becoming more and more profitable.


Tennessee is another one of the “big 5” states that are responsible for our thriving hemp industry in America, with about 3,388 acres of hemp successfully harvested each year.  That’s especially impressive when you consider that in 2017, prior to the passing of the Farm Bill, the state only oversaw the cultivation of 200 acres.  Once hemp licensing became legal and regulated in the state a year later, farmers rushed at the opportunity to apply for licenses in order to grow hemp on their farmland.  

Like the other states on our list, the Volunteer State happens to be a great environment in which hemp can thrive.  Reliably warm and sunny during a large portion of the year, farmers can depend on high yields as their climate is compatible with the needs of the plant.


Believe it or not, Montana has the highest hemp yield in the United States right now, as it only recently surpassed that of Colorado.  Because of this, Montana is easily considered one of the absolute best states to move to if one has dreams of becoming a successful hemp farmer.  Year-over-year growth has been outstanding, as yields jumped from 542 acres in 2017, to 22,000 acres in 2018, and the number only climbs each year. 

The Treasure State did not see changes in farming regulations.  The ample farmland simply inspired resident farmers to invest in a plant that was clearly about to become enormously profitable, and clearly, they made the right choice.


Last but not least, there’s Oregon, a state that has been known for its liberal cannabis laws for some time.  Farmers were legally permitted to grow hemp even before the 2018 Farm Bill legalized the plant federally, which means that farmers basically had a head start before most others around the country. 

Besides that, Oregon’s climate is absolutely phenomenal for growing hemp, especially given the fact that its climate is more stable throughout the year than much of the country, hence why farmers can become enormously successful growing hemp in the Beaver State.  In 2018, OR yielded 7,808 acres of hemp, and the number has only grown since then.

These States are Responsible for Most of the THCA Flower That We Consume 

So, next time you go to purchase a hemp product, try to find out where it was grown, because chances are, it was grown in one of these states above.  At the same time, we couldn’t be more excited to find that more and more states are entering the race to see who can yield the highest amount of top-shelf hemp each year, making their mark on the industry with a one-of-a-kind climate that yields distinctive yet beautifully fresh hemp material.

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