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Why Does Delta 10 Make You Tired?

Delta 10 THC is one of the most sought-after cannabinoids out of the over 100 that are derived from the hemp plant.  Known for its more uplifting effects, a lot of people see it as the perfect daytime cannabinoid when they want to enjoy a nice, mild high.  But, at the same time, some people report that delta 10 makes them feel sleepy, to the point that they end up too drowsy to actually enjoy its full array of properties.

We know that each cannabinoid can affect us all differently, but the bottom line is that if delta 10 THC is making you pass out each day or night, there are plenty of things you can do to get a more uplifting effect.  Things like strain, dosage and timing all play a role in which effects are the most prominent out of any cannabinoid.

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Can Delta 10 THC Make You Feel Sleepy?

Any cannabinoid can make you feel sleepy if the circumstances are right, both in terms of what’s going on in your body and the specific product you take.  But, out of all of the psychoactive compounds in hemp, delta 10 is actually the least likely to cause sleepiness, although it is possible.  Delta-10 does seem to have a more “boosting” effect on energy levels, but there are still plenty of reasons why you may feel drowsier after taking it.

What Can Affect How Tired You Feel After Taking Delta 10 THC?

While most people find that delta 10 THC is a more stimulating cannabinoid, there are still some reasons why it could have some “sleepier” qualities, such as the ones below.

  • The Strain: A lot of delta 10 products on the market come in a selection of strains, and the strain you choose can play a big role in the effects that you feel – even more than many people realize.  An indica or indica-dominant strain’s terpene profile could, to some extent, override the more boosting qualities of delta 10, and make you feel tired.  A sativa or sativa-dominant strain, on the other hand, can offer more alertness and wakefulness.
  • Product Type/Delivery Method: Many delta 10 users notice that some product types make them sleepier, and some make them more awake.  For example, a delta 10 gummy could knock you out, but a delta-10 tincture could make you feel more focused and alert.
  • How Much You Take: The tiredness effect can also be dose-dependent.  A lot of people find that the more delta 10 they consume, the sleepier they feel.  So, consider experimenting with dosage to find your sweet spot.
  • Your Tolerance: It’s possible that you’re getting so tired because your tolerance is low, and your body is getting used to the cannabinoid’s effects.  After becoming more experienced with delta-10, the drowsiness may start to go away.
  • What Else is in Your System: If you have something in your system that makes you tired when you go to take some delta 10, such as a certain medication or supplement, the synergistic effect could lead to a feeling of enhanced sleepiness.
  • How Tired You Already Are: If you’re already tired, because you’ve had a long day, didn’t get much sleep the night before or you’re sick, a dose of delta 10 THC could make you feel more tired.

Tips for Fighting Tiredness with Delta 10 THC

If you want to get a more alert and awake feeling from delta 10 THC, then there are some pretty simple tips you can try that can make a huge difference.  Like we said, delta 10 is generally considered a less sleepy cannabinoid, so in all likelihood, some basic changes to how you take it will stop you from getting tired.

Tip #1: More Sativa and Less Indica

One major change could be just switching up the strain.  If you’re going with indica and indica-dominant hybrids, it’s time to go for sativa-based strains, which can have a profoundly different effect on how you feel.  Look for a sativa strain that’s known for being more energizing.

Tip #2: Take Less

Try taking a lower dose of delta 10 if you’ve been consuming potent amounts of the cannabinoid thus far.  Sometimes, a change in dosage brings out different qualities of a cannabinoid.

Tip #3: Try Out a New Cannabinoid Combination

You might also want to try taking delta 10 with another cannabinoid, since the synergistic relationship between these compounds can dramatically change the results that you feel.  Some cannabinoid pairings may bring out the more energizing nature of hemp, and it’s very worth experimenting to see if you can derive a more alert feeling from your hemp routine.

Tip #4: Don’t Take Delta 10 When You’re Already Tired

If you’re taking delta 10 only when you’re sleepy, like late at night, try taking it earlier in the day when your mind and body are already alert and awake.  This can allow the cannabinoid to give you more of a boost since you’re not yet producing melatonin that can enhance feelings of sleepiness.

Stay Awake with Delta 10 THC!

Overall, delta 10 THC is less likely than other cannabinoids to make you feel tired.  But the bottom line is that cannabinoids are not always as predictable as we want them to be, and any type in the hemp plant can make you feel tired at some point or another.  By making some simple adjustments, however, you can experience the more wakeful side of Binoid Delta 10 products, to see why so many people compare the cannabinoid to a sativa, with boosting, euphoric effects.

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