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Why You’re Not Feeling The Effects Of Blue Lotus

Blue lotus flower is a natural psychoactive that’s been celebrated and utilized in various parts of the world since ancient times.  Its dreamy high is highly sought-after among those “in the know,” as the plant has been something of an underground intoxicant for a long time here in the USA.  But, now, reputable brands like Binoid are producing super user-friendly blue lotus products, made with an extract of the flower, in forms like disposable vapes, gummies, and more.

What this means is that more and more people are trying blue lotus for the first time, eager to experience its long-known positive effects.  But, what happens if you take a blue lotus product, and nothing happens?  We’re here to explain.

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What is Blue Lotus Supposed to Feel Like?

First off, let’s talk about what blue lotus should feel like, since a lot of people don’t have a frame of reference, having never taken it before.  Blue lotus is an intoxicant, and the effects in standard doses are typically mild – sort of like a milder form of THC.  Overall, people describe:

  • Euphoria
  • Stress relief/feeling of calm
  • Increased feelings of pleasure and arousal
  • Relief from physical discomfort
  • Lucid dreaming

Are the Effects of Blue Lotus Real or are Overblown?

Again, because most of us have limited, if any experience with blue lotus flower, we might question if the effects are actually as legit as people claim them to be – like, for instance, people who manufacture blue lotus products.  Overall, we can safely say that blue lotus’ effects are very legit

You can find plenty of resources online, where people describe their experiences – including unbiased, third-party online forums.  And, again, the plant has been renowned for its effects for millennia, so the idea that blue lotus can offer powerful positive effects is far from a new suggestion.

Can Someone Be Resistant to Blue Lotus Effects?

Now, let’s touch upon something that usually gets talked about in clinical settings – drug-resistant treatment.  It’s the idea that certain individuals, for complex reasons, are resistant to certain active compounds, and simply won’t respond to their effects.  That can happen with any substance, including blue lotus flower.  But, that’s super rare, and if you’re not feeling anything, it’s more likely to be because of one of the reasons below.

Why You Might Not Be Feeling Anything and What You Can Do to Get Those Desired Effects

So, if the issue isn’t that you’re one of the rare, unlucky ones who’s resistant to blue lotus flower’s effects, what might the issue be?  Here are the most common culprits, all of which are, thankfully, remedied.  

#1: The Blue Lotus Product is Trash 

Sometimes, it’s simply that you have a “bad” product – in other words, a product made by a sketchy brand that uses poor-quality or fake blue lotus extract, or even is using so little blue lotus that you’d never actually feel anything.  It’s not too surprising that there are companies out there making poor products, because they can get away with it, since blue lotus is unregulated.  Thankfully, you can just switch over to a trusted company like Binoid, and know you’re getting the real deal.

#2: It Expired

Blue lotus extract is viable for about 2 years, after which point it expires.  Basically, expired blue lotus extract is useless, since the compounds have degraded to the point that they show no effectiveness in the human system.  Now, keep in mind that this product only has a 2-year shelf life if it’s stored correctly – that means kept in a dark, dry, and cool place in an airtight container.  So, if you haven’t been storing your product in this way, it may no longer be usable.  Keep in mind that you have to hope the manufacturer also stored it properly, as well.

#3: You Didn’t Take Enough

Sometimes, it’s a simple matter of not taking a high enough dose of blue lotus to feel the effects.  Now, we get being cautious with a new intoxicant, and wanting to take a tiny bit to see how it affects you.  But, if you’re taking well below the recommended dosage on the product’s label, you simply won’t get to feel anything at all.

#4: You Took Too Much

Interestingly, some users report that taking too much of blue lotus flower can also mean no effectiveness.  We aren’t totally sure why, but it seems that if you go with a much higher dose than recommended, you may not feel anything at all.

#5: Something Else in Your System is Counteracting it

It could also be that something else in your system is negating the effects of blue lotus flower.  This isn’t an area that’s really been researched, but it’s always possible that anything – whether it be coffee, sugar, a medication, alcohol, or another intoxicant – could interfere with the plant’s ability to properly absorb and take full effect.

#6: It’s an Off Day

Sometimes, there are just certain factors within your own system that aren’t letting blue lotus product do its thing.  It could be that you’re under the weather, that your hormonal balance is off, or any other bodily circumstance that is stopping blue lotus from becoming effective, for reasons that still aren’t totally understood.  In that case, just try again next time, and see what happens.

Blue Lotus Flower Should Work, But if it Doesn’t, the Reason is Usually Simple 

The bottom line is that blue lotus flower is a highly effective intoxicant, and while it’s not the most powerful intoxicant of all time (THC is generally stronger), you should still feel a clear sensation of improved mood, wellbeing, and relaxation.  So, if you’re not getting those factors, consider the potential culprits above. 

And, again, make sure to stick to blue lotus flower products made by a trusted brand like Binoid, to avoid duds that may exist on the market due to lax industry standards, as this will always ensure that you get the best results possible – especially if you follow the instructions on the label.

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