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Blue Lotus: 10 Benefits and Facts You Need To Know

Blue lotus flower is just starting to make its way onto Binoid’s shelves, in product types that make it easier than ever to enjoy the unique qualities of this psychoactive plant.  Because this plant is so new to so many of us, it’s easy to overlook the rich and fascinating history behind the plant, as well as the effects that have long been touted in certain parts of the world, but still remain quite unknown in the United States.

Because blue lotus flower is such a deeply interesting plant, with so much historical significance, we’d like to share 10 facts that most of you probably didn’t know.

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Fact #1: Archaeological Records Show That Blue Lotus Flower Was Being Used in 1500 BC

We know that blue lotus flower has been used for both spiritual and medicinal purposes for a long, long time.  The plant grows wildly along the Nile River, primarily in Egypt, where ancient Egyptians discovered its benefits long ago.  In fact, the oldest recorded use of the plant dates back to 1500 BC, in a book of medicinal recipes.  Ancient papyri from the region displays more uses for the plant, and illustrate its usage in various sacred ceremonies and rituals.

Fact #2: Blue Lotus Was Believed to Be a Gift of Ra, the Sun God

Blue lotus flower was such an exalted flower in ancient Egypt that many believed it came directly from Ra, the god of the sun.  The reason behind this belief is that the plant’s petals open up when the sun is shining on it, and close when the sun goes down.  It was believed that Ra himself controlled the daily cycle of the plant.

Fact #3: Blue Lotus Flower Was Believed to Connect Ancient Egyptians to Deities and the Deceased

In addition to its medicinal uses of the time, blue lotus flower was used for spiritual purposes by the ancient Egyptians.  Spiritual leaders believed that the utilization of blue lotus flower allowed everyday people to communicate with gods and goddesses, and they also believed that the plant could be used in ceremonies to contact the dead.  The plant was believed to have the ability to “lift the veil” between mortal and immortal, and there are many historical depictions of priests using the flower for different rituals.

Fact #4: Blue Lotus is Valued for its Aroma as Much as its Effects

Blue lotus flower is a plant that’s rich in all kinds of valuable effects pertaining to the body and mind.  But, it’s also a highly valued plant for perfumes and aromatherapy applications.  Its aroma is absolutely intoxicating – considered one of the most coveted in the world – and if you’ve never had the opportunity to smell blue lotus essential oil, you’re seriously missing out.

Fact #5: Blue Lotus May Allow You to Lucid Dream

Blue lotus flower has many uses, and one of the most intriguing is its ability to help you lucid dream at night.  For those who don’t know, lucid dreaming refers to the ability to control the narrative of your dreams, by entering a state of awareness that you are dreaming while you’re asleep. 

Many people want to experience lucid dreaming, because it can help them process emotions and enjoy a fantasy that borders on hallucinatory.  Taking blue lotus at bedtime may really help you achieve the phenomenon of lucid dreaming.

Fact #6: Blue Lotus Flower is One of the World’s Oldest Aphrodisiacs

One of the most ancient uses for blue lotus flower is aphrodisiacal.  For thousands of years, the plant has been considered a natural way to boost libido and increase feelings of pleasure and arousal, thanks to its two dominant alkaloids.  Apomorphine (not an opiate, despite its name) is a dopamine agonist that can boost those sensations, while nuciferine is associated not only with feelings of calm and relaxation, but erectile function. 

Fact #7: Blue Lotus Flower’s Key Compound, Apomorphine, Was a Staple of Victorian Medicine

Apomorphine is a dopamine agonist – in other words, it boosts dopamine levels in the brain – which can increase feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness, while decreasing feelings of worry, despair, anxiety, and irritability.  And, its benefits have long been known. 

Victorian-era medicine often used apomorphine as a key ingredient – again, this compound is not an opiate, even though its name is similar to morphine – and it was commonly prescribed to patients with anxiety, stress, poor sleep, and neurological impairments.  

A lot of ancient Egyptian artifacts show images of the blue lotus flower, largely among the elite of society, including royalty and priests.  King Tut’s tomb, in fact, features the flower against a backdrop of gold, demonstrating what a prestigious plant it was at the time.

Fact #9: Blue Lotus Has Never Been Outlawed in the US

Even though blue lotus flower is intoxicating, it’s never been banned in the United States, or placed on the controlled substances list.  While a couple countries in the world have outlawed it, it’s largely available around the globe, and the only state in the US that has banned it is Louisiana.

Fact #10: Blue Lotus Flower Belongs to the Water Lily Family

Blue lotus is actually a member of the water lily family, which means that it grows in bodies of water.  The seeds actually germinate at the bottom of water bodies, preferring mud over damp soil.  This is one of the reasons why ancient Egyptians regarded the plant so highly – they saw this as evidence of the plant being a miracle, as a gift from the gods.

Blue Lotus Flower: A Plant with a Fascinating History 

The blue lotus flower is totally worth trying, especially now that it’s so easy to buy online from trusted brands like Binoid, and now that it comes in super user-friendly forms like disposable vape pens, gummies, and more. 

Plus, now that you know more about its history and unique properties, you probably appreciate this gorgeous flower all the more, and have a deeper understanding of just how significant it’s been throughout history.  Give blue lotus flower a try, and see for yourself why our ancestors lauded it so highly.

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