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What Are The Benefits of Blue Lotus Hemp Flower

Blue lotus flower is a fascinating plant, belonging to the water lily genus, and renowned for its historical uses in ancient Egypt to act as an aphrodisiac, anxiolytic, antidepressant, and connection to the spiritual world.  Psychoactive, this blue lotus flower brings undeniable appeal, especially since its side effects seem to be surprisingly minimal.  It’s also legal, and companies that you already know and trust with your cannabinoid-related needs are finding all kinds of new ways to develop products that highlight this majestic plant.

Blue lotus hemp flower is of particular interest, being raw hemp flower that’s infused with blue lotus flower extract, to be psychoactive in an entirely different way.  So, what does blue lotus bring to the table, in addition to all those dreamy cannabinoids and terpenes found in hemp flower?  Let’s find out.

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What Benefits Come from Blue Lotus Hemp Flower?

Similar to cannabis, blue lotus flower has been used medicinally and spiritually since ancient times.  Unfortunately, research on blue lotus is lacking by comparison, because it’s very new to Western markets.  However, literally millennia of anecdotal evidence, paired with a better understanding of its chemical composition, tells us a lot that we need to know.  The two main active compounds in blue lotus flower are:

  • Apomorphine A dopamine agonist that can benefit neurological function.
  • Nuciferine An anxiolytic and antipsychotic that affects nervous system functions.  Between those two compounds, the flower is capable of offering benefits like the ones below.

So, what can you get out of blue lotus hemp flower that’s beneficial?  Let’s find out.

Mood-Lifting, Euphoric Effects

Apomorphine, one of the key components of blue lotus, gives the flower its mood-lifting effects that can offer a deeply euphoric high.  As a dopamine agonist, the compound increases levels of this “feel-good” hormone that’s associated with feelings of satisfaction, pleasure, and happiness.  Taking blue lotus flower in any product form can introduce this euphoric high, and that can be particularly useful to people who struggle with depression.  At the same time, hemp is also known for its mood-boosting effects that come from both its cannabinoids and terpenes.

Anxiolytic Effects

The other key compound in blue lotus flower, nuciferine, is a calming compound that can offer anxiolytic properties to anyone dealing with stress or anxiety, allowing a sense of relaxation that helps eliminate worry and negative thought patterns.  People describe the ‘high’ as really calming, similar to the high of THC – delta 8 THC in particular – and that’s a huge part of its appeal.  So, you can imagine that blending blue lotus with hemp, which is also anxiolytic thanks to its chemical composition, can do wonders for your state of mind.

Aphrodisiacal Effects

Some of the earliest uses for blue lotus, which we know through historical records, relate to its use as an aphrodisiac, which means that it can be sexually stimulating/arousing.  People who use blue lotus today describe this effect often, as the blue lotus flower seems to increase feelings of physical pleasure.  Interestingly, nuciferine has been found to play a role in treating erectile dysfunction, so it’s fascinating to know that ancient Egyptians were benefiting from this effect long before medical researchers began exploring the compound.

Effects on the Neurological System

Apomorphine hasn’t been widely researched to the extent we would like, but it has been suggested that it can play a role in addressing certain neurological disorders like Parkinson’s, and has been used for decades specifically for this disease.  Now, researchers believe its role as a dopamine agonist may address other neurological conditions as well.  Cannabis also shows improvement in a number of neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s, as well as Huntington’s, and epilepsy.

Analgesic Effects

Many people describe an analgesic effect when taking blue lotus, which stems from the way in which its compounds interact with the nervous system.  People have compared blue lotus to opioids for a long time, and while it doesn’t work on the same receptors as opioids (and hasn’t been found to be addictive or toxic, while opioids have), it seems to work similarly in that it can reduce the way in which the brain responds to pain, Blue Lotus flower offer a feeling of relief, and a pleasurable sensation throughout the body.

At the same time, cannabis offers analgesic effects plus anti-inflammatory effects that can address a variety of pain-related issues.

Effects on Sleep

People find that the mood-boosting, calming high of blue lotus actually helps them with sleep at night, especially when combined with cannabis, as the synergistic psychoactive effects helping them enter a more peaceful state.  Interestingly, there’s another sleep-related use for blue lotus which is extremely popular, which is lucid dreaming.  Lucid dreaming is a state in which a person is dreaming, and becomes aware that they are dreaming, allowing them to change the narrative of the dream as they so desire.  Lucid dreaming is something that many people want to experience, and so, taking blue lotus prior to bedtime may actually help get them there.

Contains Phytosterols 

Blue lotus contains phytosterols, which are plant compounds that can reduce cholesterol levels.  Certain fruits and vegetables contain them, but they seem to be in abundance in blue lotus, particularly.  Taking phytosterols daily may reduce LDL cholesterol in the body by up to 10%, but more research needs to be conducted on the phytosterols in blue lotus, specifically.


Finally, blue lotus flower is high in antioxidants like flavonoids, quercetin, myricetin, and kaempferol.  But, again, more research needs to be done on the effects of these antioxidants when consumed in the form of blue lotus flower.  Cannabis, like blue lotus flower, contains antioxidants as well.

Get Ready Because Blue Lotus Hemp Flower is Coming to Binoid!

Overall, it is safe to say that there’s a reason why blue lotus flower has been used for thousands of years, and the same goes for hemp.  Now, you can enjoy them together with blue lotus hemp flower, bringing you the best of both worlds in a super user-friendly product form.  If you’re intrigued by the benefits described above, you will need to stay tuned, because blue lotus hemp flower is making its way onto Binoid’s catalog, to allow our customers to explore these benefits for themselves.

To Buy Blue Lotus Products Click Here

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