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How Pure Should THC-B Cannabinoid Be?

Binoid fully realizes that in order to produce the finest and most effective and cleanest THC-B products, it all has to begin with the perfect THC-B distillate.  THC-B distillate is a purified liquid extract of the tetrahydrocannabutol cannabinoid, extracted from the flowering buds of the hemp plant, where THC-B occurs naturally.  Through this purified liquid form of the cannabinoid, we’re able to infuse THC-B into all kinds of formulas including vapes, tinctures, gummies, and more.  

Also, Binoid has managed to develop an expert technique for crafting our cannabinoid distillates, which is a big part of our success, and why so many customers keep coming back to us for all of their cannabinoid needs.  We are going to take a closer look into the most important factor when it comes to any distillate, which is its purity level.

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Cannabinoid Distillates and Purity: What Does it All Mean?

To understand the importance of a distillate’s purity level, we need to know what a distillate is first.  A distillate is produced through a process known as distillation, which is the purification and concentration of a specific substance – in this case, THC-B.  The process of actually making a distillate is somewhat long and involved, and also can vary in terms of the equipment used, coupled with how much time and care is put into each step.

The proper method for making distillate is taking an extract of the whole flower and applying varying levels of heat and pressure to it.  This evaporates the unwanted compounds based on the conditions at which they vaporize, and eventually, at least ideally, all that’s left behind is pure tetrahydrocannabutol.  The other cannabinoids, along with terpenes, have reached and exceeded their boiling point and are no longer viable.  It is a very time-consuming process that when done right, produces excellent results, with a phenomenally concentrated THC-B extract that contains almost no other traces of additional chemical compounds that exist in the hemp plant.

What is the Ideal Purity of THC-B?

Something that tends to come as a surprise is that, it’s essentially impossible to create a 100% pure THC-B distillate.  Why?  Because it is unavoidable that there will be some level of remaining trace amounts of other hemp-derived compounds in the final product, which share too many properties in common with tetrahydrocannabutol to completely evaporate during the distillation process.  So, you shouldn’t bother wasting time in search of a totally pure THC-B distillate, because it doesn’t exist.  

In fact, as a rule, anything above 90% is considered ideal, and naturally, the higher the purity percentage, the better.  It’s incredibly hard to achieve anything over 90% without intensive labor, time and other resources, but it can be done.

How Can I Know How Pure My THC-B is?

The good news is that it’s easy to find out the purity level of a THC-B distillate produced by any given manufacturer, by simply looking at the third-party lab reports which should be made easy to find on their website.  This means that each batch of THC-B distillate is tested by a state-approved laboratory, for things like safety, legal compliance and, of course, purity.  On the lab report should be a column that breaks down each cannabinoid present in the product.  Look for tetrahydrocannabutol, and next to it should be a percentage – this represents the purity level, by telling you how much of the distillate is made up of tetrahydrocannabutol.

One thing to know is that even though a company may tell you their THC-B purity level right on the product description page, it’s best to refer to the lab report before committing to making a purchase.  That’s because a company can publish any information they want, and while we’d love it to always be truthful, it isn’t always the case.  Lab reports, however, are unbiased and objective, coming directly from the lab and therefore completely truthful.

The Purity of Binoid’s THC-B

Again, Binoid is incredibly proud of our THC-B distillate, which consistently tests at 92%-95% purity.  This is considered significantly above average, and it’s because of the enormous amount of time and care that goes into every step of this advanced and complex process.  We’ve a team of dedicated distillers who go above and beyond to produce simply the finest and purest tetrahydrocannabutol possible.  Plus, once again, we use the most advanced equipment and methods available to the industry.  The result: a lineup of THC-B products that promises high effectiveness and only the utmost satisfaction.

The Takeaway

Ultimately, a THC-B product is only as good as the quality of its distillate, and a big component of its quality is its purity level.  At Binoid, we’re extremely proud to offer one of the highest purity levels possible, as we’ve worked hard to develop our distillation methods.  Find out for yourself why our THC-B products are consistently considered the best anywhere today!

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