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Magic Mushroom Shelf Life: Expiration Date

Magic mushrooms have had quite the resurgence over the last few years, thanks to decriminalization in many parts of the country, paired with a whole new array of published studies demonstrating the clinical benefits of psilocybin, their active compound.  While most parts of the country still prohibit sales and possession of magic mushrooms – aka shrooms – those who do live in certain regions can enjoy them with loose restrictions. 

With that being said, it’s important to know how long mushrooms are good for until they expire, and how they should be stored in order to stay fresh, safe, and effective.

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Do Magic Mushrooms Have a Shelf Life?

First things first: magic mushrooms do have a shelf life.  In general, they expire at around 12 months, which is the length of time it takes for the compounds in the plant to naturally degrade.  Remember that we’re dealing with organic compounds which naturally break down with age, and by the end of this process, they lose all effectiveness, making the mushrooms practically useless.

This applies to pretty much all mushroom products, including dried mushrooms, powders, teas, capsules, edibles (gummies, chocolates, etc.), and tinctures.  Even though some products use an extract of magic mushrooms in lieu of the dried stuff, that extract has basically the same shelf life.

What Will Happen if I Consume Expired Mushrooms?

So, does that mean that expired shrooms are dangerous to take?  Likely, no.  They don’t rotten if it’s left to expire, so you don’t have to worry about that.  The only exception is flower that’s gotten moldy, which you should be able to tell just by appearance or smell.  That could be harmful to consume.  

Overall, the only thing that will happen by taking expired magic mushrooms is not getting the level of effectiveness you were expecting – or no effects at all.  That alone is enough of a reason to simply get rid of it, and purchase more.  Naturally, it also means that you should make a point to only buy as much product as you’ll realistically use within a year or so.

Now, some people may find that aged mushrooms are giving them the potency they actually prefer.  What we mean is that for some people, a fresh product is incredibly strong, and they’re looking for milder effects, and so taking magic mushrooms that have aged a bit and lost some of their potency actually offers up a more manageable type of psychedelic experience.  If that’s the case, as long as the products are not moldy or otherwise contaminated, go ahead and enjoy them.

How Do I Know I’m Buying Fresh Shroom Products?

Of course, all of this is assuming that the mushroom product was fresh at the time of purchase, rather than already close to expiring.  So, how can you know that you are buying fresh mushroom?  That’s easier when you’re buying in person, since you can look at the product, whether it be gummies, dried shrooms, etc., and make sure it still has a pungent earthy aroma, and feels fresh rather than dried out.  But you can generally find higher-quality magic mushrooms online, which rules out that option.

Instead, just go with a reputable company that has a strong following of customers.  Online stores that are popular and have a good reputation throughout the industry are going to have a fast product turnover rate, so that magic mushrooms products never linger on the shelves for long.  Besides that, they are less likely to risk their reputation by selling old, ineffective mushrooms.

How Can I Store My Mushrooms to Make Them Last?

So, here’s the thing: you can buy fresh magic mushrooms from the best company out there, but if you’re not storing them properly while they’re in your possession, then you really run the risk of them expiring before 12 months are up.  Here are the proper storage rules for all mushroom products.

  • Keep it in an Airtight Container: It’s important to know that only an airtight container will keep the mushroom product, so make a point to store it in a jar or something of that nature – including the package it originally came in.
  • Avoid Bright Light: A dark area is best for your magic mushroom products, since light causes compounds including psilocybin to break down quickly.
  • Keep it Away from Heat: Also avoid heat, which can cause the rapid breakdown of the compounds in in the mushrooms, leaving you with a weak or ineffective product.
  • Keep the Humidity Right: Finally, avoid humidity, which can destabilize those mushroom compounds, and worse, attract mold to your product, which is dangerous.  

At the end of the day, the best way to store your magic mushrooms is in a dark, dry, and cool area of your home.  This could be a closet, a cabinet, or a drawer, all of which are absolutely perfect for something like dried mushrooms, gummies, etc.  

Keep Your Magic Mushroom Products Fresh for Max Effectiveness!

Basically, like all organic substances, shrooms can expire.  And, that’s true whether you’re dealing with dried mushrooms, mushroom gummies, mushroom chocolates, mushroom tinctures, or what have you.  The good news is that virtually all legit companies are selling a product that’s as freshly made as possible, so you have a good amount of time before you have to worry about it expiring. 

At the same time, by simply storing your product the right away, according to the info above, you’ll be able to enjoy your magic mushrooms gummies for a long time to come – as long as you don’t overbuy, to the point of having so much product in your possession that there’s no way you’d finish it within a year’s time.

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