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7 Severe PHC Cannabinoid Side Effects

Hydrox4phc (PHC) has just entered the market, and there’s good reason to believe that like all cannabinoids, PHC is nontoxic to the body – no real, serious harm associated with taking it.  Basically, the potential side effects of PHC are just like those of delta 9 THC, so we will be covering them so that you know what you may experience should you take a stronger dose than you had meant to.

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Are There Any Side Effects When Taking PHC?

Again, the potential side effects sorta mimic delta 9 THC, and by going over them now, you’ll know what you may experience should you take a stronger dose than what was intended initially. 

#1: PHC May Cause Dry Mouth 

Dry mouth is reported frequently with pretty much all psychoactive cannabinoids.  Commonly referred to as “cottonmouth,” it’s not actually caused by dehydration, which many mistakenly believe.  Truthfully, it’s the result of the interaction between the cannabinoid and cannabinoid receptors that control our salivary glands.  And, fortunately, it is easily remedied with a glass of water.

#2: PHC May Cause Dry Eyes

Similarly, to above, PHC interacts with cannabinoid receptors that regulate the moisture levels in our eyes, which is why it’s common for the eyes get very dry when they use certain THC cannabinoids, including this one.  The result is eyes that feel dry when you blink, and may appear red.  Some lubricating eye drops can help a lot with this common, harmless side effect.

#3: PHC May Increase Appetite 

PHC may cause “the munchies” just like delta 9 THC.  Most cannabinoids have appetite-boosting properties, and this side effect isn’t cause for concern in any way.  The effect usually kicks in about halfway through the high and may last for a bit after the high has worn off.

#4: PHC May Cause Dizziness 

A common side effect caused by takin a very high dose of a THC cannabinoid like PHC is a feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness.  You may feel like the room is spinning slightly, or you may simply feel a little weaker than usual and feel the need to sit down.  This side effect can be all the more powerful if you’ve also consumed alcohol.  Actually, fainting while high on any cannabinoid is incredibly rare, but if you do feel weak or unsteady, sitting, or laying down is the way to go.

#5: PHC May Cause Lowered Blood Pressure 

Another side effect that is typically mild is lowered blood pressure.  That can contribute to the dizziness/lightheadedness we described earlier, and also cause an increase in heartrate that’s not actually dangerous, but still, may feel particularly unpleasant because of how much being high on THC makes us hyperaware of physical sensations.  Again, you don’t really need to do anything about this but simply wait it out.

#6: PHC May Cause Anxiety or Paranoia 

A more common side effect that comes with taking too much of any psychoactive cannabis derivative is feeling anxiety or paranoia, caused by the cerebral effects that can become overwhelming to the user.  It’s far from unusual to suddenly feel like something is “wrong,” or become extremely self-conscious due to a feeling of hypervigilance.  Luckily, these feelings often pass before the high has worn off, once the cerebral effects have peaked.

#7: PHC May Cause Drowsiness, Forgetfulness, Spaciness and a Lack of Coordination

Grogginess, drowsiness and feeling spacy or foggy are common with psychoactive cannabinoids like PHC, along with a feeling of wobbliness and difficulty with some motor skills.  This is just a normal part of being high on an intoxicating cannabinoid, and if you’re feeling very drowsy, there’s nothing wrong with laying down for a while, or even taking a nap.

Bottom Line: Side Effect with PHC May Happen, But They’re Not Serious 

Yes, these side effects may be a bit unnerving or uncomfortable, but fortunately none of them are life-threatening.  Of course, the best way to avoid them is to buy a high-quality PHC product from a trusted brand, as the cleaner the formula and the higher-quality the distillate, the less likely they are to occur.  And, of course, it’s important to follow the instructions on the label that tell you how much to take as a beginner, since side effects are far more likely to occur if you take more Hydrox4phc than your tolerance allows.

Stick to the PHC at Binoid, and you will be far less likely to encounter any of these side effects, for nothing but a pleasant and euphoric high from beginning to end.

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